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Clean Feeds Locked on BTN-19 ... Suggestions?

4 replies [Last post]

Hi gang.

I'm on BTN-19 (Kayak) this weekend and our show is ready to rock, except for the "ESPN" Clean Feed (score box and replay chip only, no graphics). My Clean-Clean Feed is fine, jumps and does all of the things you'd like a clean to do. The menu to access the ESPN Clean Feed isn't participating.

In the Sidepanel, under "Install" > "E-Box" > "ME" I can access the menu where one can drop keys from selected clean feeds, but when Close and Save, I get no changes. On the Kayak's menu, I can't make any changes, either. We've called other engineers, punched through nearly every menu with no avail. Suggestions?

Or, in a simplier form: I'm locked out of making changes to the Kayak's menu. Where do I unlock it?


Kristopher Kettner

[quote="Courtney"]I have figured out how to add and lose keys to provide the required feeds, the only thing I am struggling with is adding in a DSK. Any thoughts? Courtney[/quote] I'd call Lindsey. She might know since she probably has to do something similar for baseball on the Kayak.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Oct 2007
I have figured out how to add and lose keys to provide the required feeds, the only thing I am struggling with is adding in a DSK. Any thoughts? Courtney
Yeah, I got hosed on that too! Joe thought it was MY fault. If I remember correctly I did a workaround by rebuilding the clean feed on Aux 10, but there were some weird routing issues to deal with as well to make that work. Good luck and let me know what you come/came up with.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Oct 2007
under the install menu Aux 13 is probably hard assigned to something else. I believe it is Install>ebox>aux. I could be wrong, if you have problems let me know and I will look when I am on the switcher tomarrow. you can call me too, Joe has my number. Courtney