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How do you use your Macros?

5 replies [Last post]
Tyler Beckley
User offline. Last seen 9 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Aug 2008

I just wanted to see what everyone uses macros for on their shows and looking for ideas to advance my knowledge and usage of the switcher I am on(3 m/e Zodiac)....And maybe you have a better idea or way of doing things than I do. For what, and how do you use them?

I use macros for:

Replay to each machine and then replay out.

---Generic Transitions---

---Team Transitions---

---Font Flys---

---Roll out efx--

---Reset/Normal switcher---

---Play clock in and out---

---Bug in and out if I have to DVE the clock---


---Under Review boxes---

Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Hello, On an 8000G..w/ 7.2. Use them in conjunction with Macro timelines for the same functionality as GPI loopbacks so that I can build transitions that don't care about state..macros that turn key on, turn key off, select Keyer snap, undercut, put a certain source on the pgm bus. Also use quite a few to call up monitor fill animations..just one button to call up a clip ( EVS via VDCP) and have it loop. Just tonight built 2 macros to call up a FS board , and had another macro that played this device channel.. very powerful in my opinion, especially when you can put them in timelines. Curt
User offline. Last seen 10 years 1 week ago. Offline
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"Also, since I do away shows, new producer and director every show or series, I avoid using a macro recall replay VT and then run replay. Too many times READY A, FLY A, no no no B, NO X, TAKE 3!!!" That's why I don't include the "Run" button in the macro. I'll have it hit the 0 emem on ME2 (to clear any keys, or add the brand if needed), select the machine I want, select ME2 on the preset bus, select my replay effect (usually emem 1 on the Master panel), and then it stops and waits for me to run it. That has saved my bacon many, many times. I also have a macro that takes Red (or whatever the primary EVS package playback is) for player packages, etc. And sometimes I'll throw in macros that copy MEs, so if I get upside down I can correct it quickly.
Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
I use only a few macros since some days I still get a 3k or 4k and I hate getting that dependent on something that might not be there next show. Also, since I do away shows, new producer and director every show or series, I avoid using a macro recall replay VT and then run replay. Too many times READY A, FLY A, no no no B, NO X, TAKE 3!!! If I had the same folks next to me I and the same hardware I might do thing differently.
User offline. Last seen 11 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Jan 2006
Hi All, I got really annoyed with not having my SUPER (Chryon... Deko) as part of a DVE transition-- So.. in combination with menu macros and panel macros on the Sony 8k-A, I've been able to set up some DME transiionts that will "Move" the video as well as the super that is in... or.. transition to the next scourse WITH or... CLEAN. It's long. Involved. But works well durring a show. I first did this with the DD35-- but it's much eaiser to acomplish with the 8k. Scotty
Paul Dam
Paul Dam's picture
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Joined: 28 Sep 2007
Exactly. I macro all my transitions rejoin cap some ME effects like a doublebox(w/ FF) or a roll-out glow - run - also If Im on a kayak I make cams clean and cams w/ cg1. .......... Like lets say I'm in a commercial zone I hit my Roll/Wipe macro which loads the glow effect on an ME and loads a transition. I just make sure its the right deck (its almost always primary evs) and hit my run macro. .......... Heres a handy one for the quick "Roll it - take it" I got fustrated when I would get no warning we were about to go to a tape and no ready command . . . so . . .. The macro presets an ME with primary evs and then punches that ME on Program. Saves me from messing with the ME emems or PP - I just "Take It". .......... Any way you can save a few button presses is good.