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GPI trigger question

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Si's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Nov 2007

I have built a master effect which keys on a clip via FM5 and DSK 3 with a wipe underneath. We're trying to send a GPI to sound for a bong to happen at the same time.
In menu 7337.4 I have picked the second trigger type (a valley rather than a hill or cross)... pulse width of 4, Timing of 1 and the appropiate Reg Number as the action set is 18 (effect 1 Rcl & Run ) when I hit the test Fire I hear the sound bong, but not when I run the effect, I believe this is because it is a Master effect and not a ME1/ME2/ME3 or PP Source effect. Common only has No Action! Any ideas?
We would like to run this effect as a master effect for ease during the show.

Also when recalling effects like this via a macro, there is a slight delay as I build it with 2 button pushes, recall then run. Can I speed the macro up? We end up using the effect run panel to keep the pace up during the wipe sequence.



Si's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Nov 2007
Cheers Matt, No menu macros at all, just two steps, 1 - recalls effect (the wipe) and 2- runs it! very simple, but there is definately a very slight delay If you can be bothered, Try comparing the speed your wipe appears after using the macro button, and running it directly from the 10 key effect panel. The macro was built using the 10 key panel on Macro, maybe its that as I've never built one via the touchscreen. Ta Si
Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 3 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Morebier"]Cheers guys, I had a look at a previous effect which had a GPI working fine, but didn't use the GPI timeline, so was wondering if I had missed something obvious, think I'll get the manual out and learn about building the effect properly! Any ideas on speeding up Macros?[/quote] Speeding-up macros: By any chance is a menu macro part of your wipe macro?? I know that menu macros take about 20 frames to recall and execute, so that could be part of the delay that you're seeing. I, too, use a couple of macros to execute wipes on my P/P bus, but haven't noticed a delay. I'd be happy to take a look at the steps in my macros and compare notes with you, if you'd like. Matt
Si's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Nov 2007
[quote="hosko"][quote="Morebier"]Any ideas on speeding up Macros?[/quote] What exactly do you mean by speeding up macos?[/quote] Basically i have a macro that recalls an effect (wipe), and runs it, but the time between the button push and the wipe is longer that if I just run it from the effect recall/run panel. Not by much but enough for me to notice!
hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Morebier"]Any ideas on speeding up Macros?[/quote] What exactly do you mean by speeding up macos?
Si's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Nov 2007
Cheers guys, I had a look at a previous effect which had a GPI working fine, but didn't use the GPI timeline, so was wondering if I had missed something obvious, think I'll get the manual out and learn about building the effect properly! Any ideas on speeding up Macros?
User offline. Last seen 15 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 Jul 2006
Alternately, you could assign that GPI "test fire" to a utility button - either on the utility/shotbox module OR the key 2/4 bus utility. Then you could edit the macro to hit that button right after the macro command to run your effect. This just in case you didn't have the GPI timeline region assigned, but the GPI timeline would be the more elegant solution here since you're already using timelines for this particular effect.
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
The GPI's have their own timeline region. You need to build your GPI triggers into a timeline on this region & then attach the region as part of your Master Effect.

Bob Ennis