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New to Side Flags

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Sep 2008

Looking for help concerning side flags as we are going to HD soon(?);new to this, so excuse the simple (convoluted?) questions: can each x-point have a its own video as a side flag? Art dept. wants a 4x3 source, say channel A of Avid AirSpeed, to have that source's video defocused as a side flags; then we would have to wipe to another 4x3 source, say channel B of AirSpeed with that channel's video defocused as its side flags, and so on...how does one get a source's video as side flags if the source is 4x3 and therefore not in 16x9 format? Can unique SideF's be assigned to different x-points without having to SnapShot each source?Told that ESPN does this, but I haven't seen it yet...sorry for the wordy question... on a 8000G with switcher version 7.22...as you can tell, pretty new at this..Marc

Bob Ennis
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Regarding separate side flag sources for each main source (and while we're on the subject of bus linking); You could link your A bus to the Utility 1 bus, and do source-substitutions. In this way, each time you select a different source on the A bus, the Utility bus that feeds the side flags could be different. Using Frame Memories to feed the side flags & attaching macros which change the Frame Memory still to the A bus crosspoint buttons should also work. In both of these cases, it should work for hot-cuts on the A bus of the M/E...setting up a source on Preset & then transitioning to it obviously wouldn't work.

Bob Ennis

User offline. Last seen 15 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Oops, I meant to post this in a different thread! Dante - there is also the bus link solution. I was reading another thread comment from Bill D about sideflags. Anyway, you could simply have two keyed, compressed DME boxes on two separate keyers. One key bus is LINKED to the M/E3 A bus and the other keyer contains the clip player. When you hit cut on the M/E then the key source will change also because its linked to whatever the A bus source is. Now you wouldn't want to have the bus linked ALL THE TIME, but you can link it temporarily using a menu macro which is available in your version of software. Include a menu macro to start the link in your effect macro, then another menu macro to turn it off.
User offline. Last seen 13 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Sep 2008
Bill, thanks for the reply;the info about the flags not being independent per source was the important fact for me...as the resizers will blur, I was hoping to go that route as we have no external DME's,only the 4 internal..you're way ahead of me on your suggestion on the internal idea, but it sounds complex during a live news show...will keep plugging, once we finally get the switcher over to HD with monitoring! thanks again..Marc
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="jbs"]Bill D - regarding internal only DMEs: I haven't explored this but is there any way to use menu macros to route the DME Monitor and use the DME Monitor as a source on the Utility 1 bus? Also, is this kind of reentry allowable under version 7.22?[/quote] Not sure about menu macro, don't know where you would feed it, sure it's somewhere. Menu macros are not really frame accurate though. DME monitor as a crosspoint on utility 1 should work fine. I just tried that with a bus link from pgm bus to a keyer. The keyer is sent to dme and blurred. Keyer doesn't need to be turned on. Only thing that didn't work well is a dissolve. The source gets to air then the sideflags come few frames later
hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="jbs"]I haven't explored this but is there any way to use menu macros to route the DME Monitor and use the DME Monitor as a source on the Utility 1 bus?[/quote] Utility one can be fed by any Xpt that you have set up on each ME. Simply press and hold the utility button and then what ever you select on the A bus is what feeds the Utility 1.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Bill D - regarding internal only DMEs: I haven't explored this but is there any way to use menu macros to route the DME Monitor and use the DME Monitor as a source on the Utility 1 bus? Also, is this kind of reentry allowable under version 7.22?
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Side flags are fed by utility bus 1 and can only be independent in the ME's, not per source. You need to figure out the blurr as well. Do you have any external DME's? If so you could burn a channel for the blurr, put that channel on utility 1. Then try bus linking pgm with the aux that feeds the external dme. If you only have the resizers not sure if they even have a blurr? If you only have internal DME's, guess you could get a little wacky. Maybe burn a keyer up in ME 1, send to DME, blurr it, take that keyer out of ME 1's main pgm output. Then make another output with just that keyer. Map that output and put it on utility 1. Then try bus link, pgm bus with key bus in ME 1. I have never tried any of this, but sounds like it could work :) ESPN has that huge ugly ESPN HD side flag, if you see something blurred in the HD area probably something that was edited.