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Playing Animation in Zodiak Still Store with a timeline

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Tyler Beckley
User offline. Last seen 9 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Aug 2008

I loaded a replay animation in to my still store as a backup because my FF has been acting up and thought that I could play that animation via a timeline. I found a work around by using a macro inside the timeline, but I seem to remember there being a way to play the animation without using a macro to hit play for me on the appropriate keyframe. I built the effect the same as I would with the FF except I selected SS instead of Misc 2 thinking that the effect would fire the animation on the second keyframe per my building. My workaround works, but would love to know if its possible to do without using a macro and what I need to do to get that to work properly.

Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 14 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
You need to select START AT KEYFRAME in the still store playback menu. Make sure that your still store enabled level is Hilighted in your timeline. Be sure and turn off the Start at Keyfreme button on your next KF. Pesonally I like your workaround method of firing it with a macro. I use one macro to play the animation and one to rewind it. Scott