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Bill D
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Where do you assign what DME channel goes to the DME MON output? Will it ever change ?

Bill D
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[quote="Bob Ennis"]If you don't have MP2, you can still use the Standard Multi-Program as a separate feed out to monitors on set. With MP1, you can independently feed out a Utility Bus - you can add 1 or more keys to it if you want. If a key is full frame (or made into a fully clipped or PST PATT), you can key it over the Utility bus, and using the keyer transition you can thus dissolve, wipe, or DME between sources...all while leaving the main M/E output alone.[/quote] I would love to see more flexibility with the multi outs. Masks are tied to utility 1, multi pgm 1 is tied to utility 2, and your DME wipes and side flags are tied to 1 and 2 as well. Be nice if you could substitute some unused aux buses as bgds for multi pgm, and or the masks, side flags, etc. This seems like could happen via software rather then hardware. Maybe not.
User offline. Last seen 11 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Bob, Thanks for the added info. We are, in fact using this for sizing... It's a long story. Anyways... Thanks for the great info, as always. Scotty
Bob Ennis
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If you don't have MP2, you can still use the Standard Multi-Program as a separate feed out to monitors on set. With MP1, you can independently feed out a Utility Bus - you can add 1 or more keys to it if you want. If a key is full frame (or made into a fully clipped or PST PATT), you can key it over the Utility bus, and using the keyer transition you can thus dissolve, wipe, or DME between sources...all while leaving the main M/E output alone. But if you're going to do resizing or rotation into the monitors, the DME MON is a good choice. Makes me wish they had put in DME MON's for each channel.

Bob Ennis

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Bob, Agreed... DME Mon is is a great tool as a re-entered source. Since we have yet to get our Multi-Program 2, we use the DME mon as a sort of EXTRA output indepentded of the MAIN ME that we're useing... (To size video to fit our SD ZOOM LCDs on set). And since we've re-entered it, we can feed it to a monitor via an AUX. (I can't take credit for the awesomeness of this idea though... My predicessor came up with it...) :) Scotty
Bob Ennis
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[quote="Bill D"]I needed to mask an internal DVE, this was a good work around.[/quote] You bring up a great point. On other switchers where the DVE is "downstream" of the keyer, doing things like the traditional adjustable shot clocks becomes difficult, as moving the image inside of the DVE also moves the preset pattern that's creating the box for the clock, and you then have to adjust the PST PATT. If you treat the SONY DME as a Processed Key, you have this same problem. By being able to re-enter the DVE as a source like you do using the DME MON, you can then move the video around INSIDE of the preset pattern. You can also do split keys using the DME as the fill source. I use this trick all of the time on the open for Jeopardy, where we have an offset Hi-Con that fits our Contestant Open Graphic, but I need to take a full-frame camera shot and split-key the DVE'd camera shots into the offset Hi-Con without tying up a 2nd keyer. Couldn't do it as easily without the re-entry of the DME MON.

Bob Ennis

Bill D
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I used this election night and wanted to make sure after I set it, it didn't change (which it didn't). I never had to change it on the fly, so worked fine. Good to know if I needed to change on the fly in the future. I needed to mask an internal DVE, this was a good work around. thanks
Bob Ennis
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The actual feeds into the channels of DME are effect-based - the actual channels that are assigned to the DME MON at any given time are menu-based. Scotty's suggestion of menu macros sounds like a good workaround. Because the new software supports macro recalls via timelines, you may still be able to make changes to the DME MON assignments on an effect-by-effect basis - although it's a long way to have to go to accomplish what you want.

Bob Ennis

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Bill, The only way I was able to get this setting to recall (I am useing the DME Mon with DME4) is to have a MENU MACRO call it it up via page 1115.1 (I'm useing ME1 Key 4) If you found another way to snapshot or timeline this, lemme know... Scotty
Bill D
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[quote="Bob Ennis"]I've found that yes it can change depending on what was set up at the time that you learned various effects. If it's an internal DME then you have to burn a key bus to feed it but the keyer doesn't have to be on.[/quote] Bob, it does not seem effect based (feeding to dme mon)? I think I am ok once I make sure it is set. Have to play more but should it be tied to the effect?
Bob Ennis
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I've found that yes it can change depending on what was set up at the time that you learned various effects. If it's an internal DME then you have to burn a key bus to feed it but the keyer doesn't have to be on.

Bob Ennis

Bill D
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Never mind I found it, will this ever change and can I feed from DME 3 V input without feeding to a keyer, or do I have to brun keyer to send to dme and then key DME mon on another keyer. I just want to do a mask and can't use an external thanks