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Frame Memory Clip

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Sep 2008

On an 8000G, v 7.2...trying to load a clip into FM to be used as a Side Flag ;when I save a snapshot of a clip, with loop, the snapshot only recalls a still of that clip...got around that by creating a Menu macro that loads and runs the clip in a loop correctly; tied this into a regular Macro that recalls the Menu macro and runs it fine...tried to go 1 step further by assigning to a Shotbox register(which calls up all opening snapshots) the Macro region with Auto Run on to get the system to load and run the above macro..I can assign to the Macro region, but it asks for an Effect;tried putting in the correct register and it stores it , but fails to recall the Macro...I think I'm failing in this last step, but don't know how to get around this...thanks to all

Bill D
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If you didn't use the autoplay in the snapshot menu you could tell any of the FM channels to 'normal' play or 'loop' play in the offline macro editor, rather then using a menu macro which is sometimes not frame accurate. But obviously snap shot way is easiest
User offline. Last seen 13 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Sep 2008
Wow, thanks to both of you...Alan, that's the menu I was looking for (6332.1); I didn't realilze I had to approach a Clip SS that way...just what I was looking for !! Don, thanks for your suggestion also;I had seen that Shotbox/Utility page set before, but we all seem to keep all registers as Shotbox recalls...thanks so much to both of you for your time and thoughts.... Marc
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You can also create a snapshot with a clip event and then you can create a shotbox to recall that snapshot. I would do it as follows. If your user regions are different, plug in the correct ones: I'd call up the clip I need in FM's 7 and 8. User 8 controls FM's 7 and 8 for me. I'd save a user 8 snapshot. Lets use snapshot 99 for this. Go to the FM and recall your sideflag clip in FM 7 and 8. Go to the clip play menu (page 2522). Select FM 7 and 8 and make sure loop is turned on both FM 7 and 8. Then I'd go to the snapshot menu (page 6321). At the top where you can select a region, I'd deselect everything and make sure only user 8 is selected. Highlight snapshot 99 and under attribute, hit the "Clip Event" button. At the top of the menu, select FM 7. Turn autoplay on and hit "set". Do the same thing for FM 8. Restore the snapshot. Now create a shotbox that recalls user 8 snapshot 99. That should do it for you. Just another way to skin a cat without burning a macro. -Allan
Don B (Jr)
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Go to menu page 7324.1 (Utility Module Assign) If this page is new to you - hold on tight - A world of doors & opportunities is about to open up. This menu allows your "ShotBox" (actually Utility bittons) to recall a shotbox, or a macro, or a menu page, or a utility command. Let's play this out for kicks: Show shotbox (minus macros) is ShotBox 99 Menu Macro (to recal & loop FM's) is Menu Macro 99 Make a macro that then recalls SB 99 and MM 99 - - we'll store this as MACRO 99 Now, Let's say we want this execution to happen on Bank 4, Button 24 (last bank, last button) Look at pg 7324.1, Bank 4 button 4 is defaulted to Shotbox 96 Select Macro Recall Select Macro 99 Select Action Set ************* This should do what you're trying to do. - Don
User offline. Last seen 13 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Don, thanks so much, you read my rantings correctly; I had no problem with steps 1 & 2 of your solution, but step 3 fails me..at the Shotbox register to recall the Macro made in step 2(that works by itself),I selected only the Macro region;it hilighted Effect under the Assign tab , and I gave it the number of the desired Macro; hit Auto Run and stored it....nothing happens on recall, not so presto for me..what am I missing?? Thanks, stumped
Don B (Jr)
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Oct 2006
If I'm reading you correctly - then you're almost there. We also used Shotboxes to recall show setups...UNTIL we started using FM clips. Here's what we did: 1) Make Shotbox as normal. Make Menu Macro that recalls FM clip(s) (loops, etc) 2) Make macro that recalls step 1 shotbox and step 1 Menu Macro (may need a frame or two delay) 3) Assign Macro in step 2 to wherever you want it on your ShotBox/Utility Module. Presto! Hope this helps, Don