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Thomson looking for new ways to sell kayak....

9 replies [Last post]
Michael Nice
Michael Nice's picture
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Joined: 12 Jan 2008

I ran across this video today and thought I would share

maybe this will help give the product a second life...haha


hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2008
[quote="Dave P"]This should work for you hosko.. http://www.youtube.com/v/zASL04bgJ70[/quote] That didn't work either. I'm guessing its no great loss though.
Dave P
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Joined: 18 Oct 2005
This should work for you hosko.. Have a top 2009 all.
hosko's picture
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I get a message saying "This video is not available in your country. " :(
Matt Sears
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Bob Ennis"]The sad thing about that video is that she could have made it so much better....if only she had the Side Panel.[/quote] hahaha
Bob Ennis
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The sad thing about that video is that she could have made it so much better....if only she had the Side Panel.

Bob Ennis

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[quote="NYC Television Director"]funny thing is she is signed to the Sony BMG label you would think there might be a little "corporate synergy" and they'd have her cutting on a sony switcher.[/quote] So that's twice in a row that they "missed" on that. The first being the Sony HD spot with Peyton Manning where you saw the Kalypso in the background. I guess the only synergy coming from there might be in the form of a Ross switcher. Sean
NYC Television ...
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funny thing is she is signed to the Sony BMG label you would think there might be a little "corporate synergy" and they'd have her cutting on a sony switcher.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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I wonder what her day rate is. The market needs more Kayak-capable TDs... As long as we can keep her headset mic turned off.
- Stephan Ahonen
User offline. Last seen 10 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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wow... if she can figure out how to use one, i don't see what everyone is complaining about.