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Crash Record from Axial 3000?

6 replies [Last post]
Bob Castro
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Can the Axial 3000 issue a "crash" or "hard" record command to a BetaSP deck attached via RS-422 machine control?

I know it can perform assemble and insert edits, but I have an application in which I have to issue a hard record command to a BetaSP deck on another floor and don't want to pre-stripe black & timecode and perform an 'edit', I just want to use it as a remote controller.


Bob Castro. VTA Inc. Atlanta, GA 30324 404-634-6181
John Henkel
John Henkel's picture
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Hi all, Ok, here goes. Now I have to caution you about this, because what I'm going to do here is allow you to record instantaneously. So, it's up to you to make sure that you have everything set up correctly. You might play with another command, like, say REWIND, instead of the RECORD command shown below just to make sure. I'll paste the code you have to add to the specfile, but remember that you will need to REREAD the DEVICE for any changes to take effect. You can edit them right on the Axial (even an Axial 2020!), but you will still need to reread the device for which you are changing. So, open the specfile for the device and add the following code after the line that has the file name and revision and before the DEVICE section. You can use the return key to add some extra rows. [code:1]MENU USR3 # you can change this to whichever of the USR menus you'd like { ITEM 1 { "Record" COMMANDS { ( DEV_CMD "CurDev.Record" ) } } }[/code:1] That's it. Don't forget that the numbering is based on a first position of 0, so when it says ITEM 1, it's the second button over. When you press the USER 3 button, on the bottom should appear what's between the first set of quote marks, "Record." You can copy the line labeled ITEM 1 and make it ITEM 2 and change the DEV_CMD "CurDev.Record" to whatever command you'd like. The "CurDev" part makes it a bit dicey in that it'll send the RECORD command to ANY machine you have highlighted. So, if you'd like it to only to to the Master or Recorder, just change the "CurDev" to the name of the master in your Assign manager. So, it'd be "Master.Record" or something like that. As I mentioned before, it's been a while, but I'm pretty sure about all this. It's amazing what I still retain and can't remember what I had for lunch. :) Enjoy, John
Bob Castro
User offline. Last seen 14 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Aug 2006
Thanks very much to all who replied. I tried it just now and it works great using D CMD. John, how do you add that or other commands to the user menus? I've looked at the example files and can't wrap my head around the command syntax inside the menus text files. Thanks again!
Bob Castro. VTA Inc. Atlanta, GA 30324 404-634-6181
User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey, John, I hope all is well. Phil & Bob, as John described you open the command window for the device you want to issue the command for. As described pressing the select button will immediately issue the command to the device. If you press the D CMD button on the Axial console instead it will add the command to the edit as a device command. You can then control when the command is sent using start, end, TC,etc. On the BVW75 specfile the command is record. Don't forget you can also add stop commands as well.
John Henkel
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Yep, Paul's right. Heck, I might've even showed him a while back. It's an 'undocumented' feature, sorry I didn't show you, Phil. :-( To see all the commands that the Axial can send to a machine, oh, it's been a long time since I was in front of an Axial now. . . Select the machine (the R machine in this case) and press SYSTEM, DEV, CMD. You'll see a window pop up with lots of commands. Some will make sense, some will not. I think you can just scroll down to find the REC or REC ON command, something like that. I'd have to look at the BetaSP specfile, but it should make sense. So, with that command highlighted, press the SELECT button, I do believe, to issue that command. So BE CAREFUL, if I've done this correctly, it'll start recording right away. Play at your own risk. The cool thing is you can do some nifty things like make a USER menu for this and other commands. Or add this into a macro, but that get's scary. Hope this makes sense, let me know if it works. Enjoy, John
User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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You can use a device command from the Axial to send the record command to the Beta Deck
Philip Boal
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I don't think so. I looked to do a "hard" record about a year ago, just like we used to do on the GVG editors, and i couldn't find it on the Axial. Phil Boal