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Keying a photoshop graphic in the GVKayak2DD

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Nov 2008

I built a logo graphic from photoshop with a solid blue backgroud and i'm having trouble getting it in our kayak system as a key. I've loaded it in the ram recorder through the sidepanel as a clip and have transfered it as a still. Any time i manipulate the key, it keys the white or black and leaves the blue. Any ideas on how to get rid of just the blue? To me it seems Kayak only accepts Jpeg's and no PSD's. Any help will be appreciated?

Silvio Bacchetta
Silvio Bacchetta's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2007
Mmm.... I'm not sure about the blue background, it should be a white/black image to act as key. Actually i don't know, I have never tried something different. Key coupling, on the Kayak, should be in the Config/Key Couple menu: each input as a coupled key you can change. See page 174 here: Hope it helps.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Nov 2008
Silvio, I loaded both the graphic (as Video/Ram 3) and blue background (as Video/Ram 4) so far so good, but I ran into my first problem. When i go to Config > E Box input i don't see a place to select Modify Cpld Key. I checked the side pannel and same thing. Do i need to turn this feature on somewhere? Thanks For all your help
Silvio Bacchetta
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2007
An option would be to draw the logo with a transparent background, or you can select the blue background and turn it into and alpha channel. In any case, you will need to export the alpha channel to a separate file, load it into another RAM recorder and couple it as a key to the first one. I do this for replay branding logos, as jpeg files don't support transparency.