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AMP / Loop / Kalypso

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2005

Does GVG/Kalypso AMP control support loop commands? I don't think it does, but thought I'd ask.

If not, are there effective tricks via timeline or macro to make a Kalypso load/loop a clip on an AMP-controlled DDR?


Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Guessing you are doing more then just transitions if you need a loop? I would talk to BUG TV. Can they do playlists? If so do what I mention above with playlists. If not, Maybe there is a way they can write in code to mark clips to loop when played (some sort of clip properties check mark or something). This way you can still send the play command and get what you need. Direct machine control is great, and much better then dealing with a box in between. Much more flexible and easier to manage. One note to also know, Kalypso AMP software is a $$ upgrade. Few years ago I think it was 5K. They will give you a temp code to play with it until you decide to buy it. You can check if you have it in the install menu where it lists your software features. Or if you try assigning a device it will be greyed out if you don't have the license.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2005
The subject DDR is an Mac X-Serve based V+K playout solution called BugTV. We have one of our many channels of BugTV under a DNF ST-400 controlled by the Kalypso via PBus. The above is used exactly like a Fast Forward with Lance for DDR wipes. The Lance won't drive the BugTV, so we had to go DNF. At any rate, we've heard that the BugTV system now works with AMP, so we're considering any benefits to going to AMP/machine control, vs. PBus. At first thought, LOOP is a concern. Only trick is, at last check the BugTV won't do a clean loop under the DNF / PBus control, anyway. It drops a frame at the loop point, even though the clip loops okay via other control means. Also, at last check, the BugTV won't exit a PBus loop without getting a STOP command first. Give it a CUE or anything else, no luck.
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
I used it about a year ago with a GVG turbo running amp. No loop commands (no idea why not they own both machines). I got around it by making a long playlist in the turbo. So clip A, became Playlist AA (playlist with lets say 20 items of clip A in there). The Kalypso showed the playlists with the other clips (clip AA). I buried the normal clips in another folder. Then the play command just played the playlist. I never needed anything for more then 30 minutes at a time before I changed it so it worked fine. What DDR are you talking to?