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8080 AUX panel config...

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Brian Mirrlees
User offline. Last seen 8 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Dec 2008

Question regarding control of the single bus 8080 remote aux panels...

I am working in a new facility and we are in the process of commisioning our new control room... also, our training budget $$$ has done a "Copperfield"... so please go easy on me....

We have added a 5th additional 8080 panel for our Robotics ops. It is supposed to be assigned as AUX 10, but it is following AUX 1. I've tried resetting the delegation as I understand it, but I don't seem to be able to configure this panel to follow AUX 10 only.

When Eng. installed it, the ID was set to 5, which was a conflict with another panel (we have 4 other panels which follow AUX 1 - 4 remotely)

The main switcher panel is ID #1

remote AUX 1 is set as ID #4
remote AUX 2 is set as ID #5
remote AUX 3 is set as ID #6
remote AUX 4 is set as ID #7

All of the above remote aux's are looking at the MAIN TABLE.

We have an MVS-8000G, with ver. 7.22 software, and all of the remote AUXs are connected via Sbus.

Today, we power cycled the DCU, and then we were able to designate the 5th panel as ID #8, again, looking at the main table.

But for the life of me, I cant get it to follow or operate as AUX 10, instead of AUX 1.

Obviously, I'm missing a step or have done something incorrectly. Any advice or remedy would be greatly appreciated.



Brian Mirrlees
User offline. Last seen 8 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Dec 2008
Thanks Max! The panel is now working as we want it to. AUX 10 appeared in the LED display, and after only two tries, it worked! (first attempt, I forgot to press ASSIGN... newbie!!!) b. "so many menus... so few brain cells....."
User offline. Last seen 11 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Mar 2006
Brian, The destination (aux) that an 8080 controls is not set by the switcher but is assigned at the 8080 itself. Look at the output table of the switcher to determine the aux 10 output number. On the 8080 select the destination button and rotate the rotary knob until either aux 10 or the out xx number is displayed then push the assign button. Notice that I said aux 10 or out xx, this is dependent on whether the source/destination names were exported from the switcher to the aux panels (panel>xpt assign>name export). Also, 8080 panels can only see the main table and tables 1 to 4. -Max
Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005
By any chance, are you set-up to do "bus linking" with Aux 1 controlling Aux 10? I believe it's menu 7336.1. It could just be that a link was set-up for one Aux to control another ... just a thought. Matt