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lance looped only once!

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Jan 2006

Hi. I was on a truck last night with a Spot Box and a Lance with 3.4 software. I set up 2 clips to loop on channels C and D in register 25. When I recalled reg. 25 it would loop endlessly. But, when I recalled another register that addressed only channels A and B, the loop would continue for 1 more loop and then stop. I did not have "preserve loop" on because I was using C and D for a capper over a bump effect that used channels A and B for the bump and C and D capped it. I didn't want to get caught not being able to stop C and D in time to cue them for the capper. I have setup shows exactly the way I set it up last night and the loops on C and D would continue regardless of what other Lance register was recalled (for Channels A and B). Any ideas what may have been wrong?


Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Bill, Just a thought. If you assign all 4 channels as different P-bus addresses (ie, 1-4). If I send out a P-bus for address 3, wouldn't it make sense that only that channel would potentially change? I know it is best to just go in and clear out the register so that you don't have this problem (extraneous recalls). But seems to me if the gang is learned on a cue save (holding set and the 2 channels to gang), then there is no reason if I send out specific P-bus addresses, that any other channels would change unless I asked it to. Obviously I know how to work it as it is, just seems to make more sense if it worked the other way. thanks Bill
User offline. Last seen 7 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Jan 2006
Thanks Bill. That's probably what it was. I just re-wrote over the registers instead of clearing them first. Clearing them used to be something I did every time, but I starting skipping that step a while back. This is the first time it bit me! --Mike
Bill Lance
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Sep 2005
Mike, Make sure that the registers you're recalling (the ones which crash the loop) don't have ANYTHING in them for channels C and D. I strongly suspect that there is something there for C and D in the registers you're recalling. It could be a clip name of all spaces, or something like that. Try completely clearing the offending registers and re-entering your marks for A and B. If the registers for C and D are completely clear, the controller will let the loops continue undisturbed. When a new register is recalled, the controller looks at the intimes/clip names for any looping channels and if they are empty, it lets the loops continue. Otherwise, it transfers the new information to the active buffers for those channels, and this causes the loops to crash. If you turn 'preserve loop' on, it will leave looping channels alone regardless of what's in the newly-recalled registers, but if you're not using 'preserve loop' the registers you're recalling MUST be completely clear (for the looping channels). Bill