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Frame Memory Import

10 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Dec 2008

On a MVS-8000G is there a particular clip file type (ie. quick time) that can be imported into the switcher via a network drive? I cannot find anything about this in the manual.

Much thanks.

Doc Brunk

Dave P
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Joined: 18 Oct 2005
Sorry sounds like you are doing the right thing. I'm unable to test at this stage.
hosko's picture
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Joined: 24 Aug 2008
I let the import run, then when the on-screen display goes away nothing shows up then when I click on another switcher and come back I only get the 20%. Do I need to wait longer?? Thanks for your help.
Dave P
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No, it is not possible to step backwards through the Frame Mem playback lists. On your thumbnail vs. text recall issue, are you allowing considerable time for the thumbnails to appear? It takes several minutes if you have lots of files. Hope this helps, Dave.
hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="hosko"]I had a look in the documentation but couldn't see anything[/quote] Well under Help there is the user guide so that helped but still couldn't find a way to step backwards through the playlist. It would be nice if there was a utility command you could put on the shotbox for these functions. Edit: In the Frame Memory Recall section of System Manager I have selected to "Read Thumbnail from Switcher" only problem being it doesn't recall all of the them, it only recalls around 20%. What is weird though is if I use select name and type the name they show up. When I use File Manager they all show up very quickly I don't get why its on working in Frame Memory Recall. Any ideas?
hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Dave P"]YThe 8 Frame Mems can also be changed remotely with Sys Man and it also provides 2 playlists, which are triggered by Key tally to advance to the next. There is also next PVW of the Frame Mem for each of the 2 playlists.[/quote] Is there a way to step backwards through the list from the panel?? I had a look in the documentation but couldn't see anything
Dave P
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My previous post is now updated to a reply based on the current software level of System Manager .
Dave P
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Yes, System Manager can do this. In System Manager's File Manager, under Client, select the relevant folder where your images are or choose the image or images you want to send to the switcher. File types supported are BMP, TIFF, TIFF with alpha, TGA, TGA with alpha and JPEG. Then in the File Manager under Devices, select the Switcher folder, then click the Put button to transfer the files across. Image files are converted to the Sony frame mem format .sfm during this transfer. Version 7.2 of Sys Man adds support for QuickTime 7.4 (Windows 2000 QuickTime 7.1.6) so QuickTime and AVI movie files can be imported. If you purchase the L version of Sys Man, the Server and Client are actually the same PC. The 8 Frame Mems can also be changed remotely with Sys Man and it also provides 2 playlists, which are triggered by Key tally to advance to the next. There is also next PVW of the Frame Mem for each of the 2 playlists. Hope this helps. Press the right buttons, Dave.
hosko's picture
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Has anybody used System Manager to import TGA or TIFF files. I've used it to suck off files from one switcher and move them over to another. I know those files are BMP so I know that would work, I'd just like to save time and be able to send TARGA files directly to the switcher from my desk.
Dave P
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Hi Doc, If you want these files to run as an animation or as a clip, you need to ensure they are named best as 3 character and 5 numbers, eg. ani00000, ani00001, ani00002, etc. or I know ani_0000, ani_0001, ani_0002 will also work. TGA or TIFF essential if you want to also use alpha, so that the switcher presents a key animation. TGA is what I've always used. You must have the frames in the correct resolution before importing. I'm 90% sure on this, been 6 months since I've touched a Sony, very keen to get back to them again now. Irfanview is a free web download that easily let's you batch rename files and also does resolution and file type conversions. If converting resolution ensure that the 'Use Resample function' is ticked in the advanced options, otherwise the quality may not be too good. All the best, Dave.
Matt Saplin
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Doc ... Been a long time since I've done it, but I think a TIFF, TGA or BMP sequence with sequentially numbered files does the trick. I have an old white-paper from Sony that describes FM import/export options relating to file types, dimensions, field order, and the like. Drop me a note with your e-mail address, and I'd be happy to send it along to you... Matt