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MVS-8000 key snapshot

5 replies [Last post]
rami arafat
User offline. Last seen 9 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Dec 2006

I have MVS-8000G in our OB VAn i am trying to use the key snapshot but useless ( it seems that store the key by lighting on but when i press nothing change )

any one can advise me if there is sitting should be change

Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Is the XPT Hold button "ON/LIT" on the key bus row associated w/ the keyer snapshot? Curt
rami arafat
User offline. Last seen 9 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
thanks alot for support i did these setps and nothing change, still XPT not moving and i went to page 6351 to adjust and still the same
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
No... Each keyer has up to 4 snapshots...they are stored & recalled by the LCD buttons on the Key Transition panel. First, make sure that the K-SS button is lit...otherwise the LCD buttons display the source / transition time. Also, make sure that K-MOD &/or K-Trans is lit (if you want these parameters stored). Step 1 - Delegate a keyer on the keyer transition panel (where the LCD buttons are) as if you were going to change its transition. Step 2 - Hold down the K-SS Store button. Step 3 - Press one of the 4 LCD buttons - it will light up with its number (1-4). You can give it a name in the Key Snapshot menu if you want. To recall a key snapshot, 1st make sure that the K-SS button is lit... (1) Delegate a keyer on the Key Transition Panel for which you want to recall its snapshot. (2) Press one of the LCD buttons...the snapshot is recalled. Even if you've stored ALL the possible information, it is possible to recall just the parameters that you want by having the K-MOD &/or K-Trans on or off when you recall...however, if you didn't store this info when you did your LEARN, then there will be nothing to recall. So as you delegate the various keyers, you will see the LCD buttons turn on or off, as each keyer has the capability of its own 4 key snapshots. Only the keyer information is stored/recalled. The key state is not part of this...the key state lives in the M/E snapshots/timelines....although you COULD build a macro that turns the keyer on or off & attach it to the snapshot button - each button actually has its own unique address, depending on which keyer is delegated, so Key 1 snapshot #1 is a different address (as far as the system is concerned) from Key 2 snapshot #1, even though these 2 key snapshots use the same LCD button.

Bob Ennis

bwatts's picture
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[quote="Bob Ennis"]When you hold down the K-SS button & press one of the 4 soft buttons for the delegated keyer, you are storing one of 4 types of key information: (1) if the K-MOD is ON, then the keyer source + any modifiers (such as chroma key, PST PATT, & Clip/Gain Settings) are stored as part of the snapshot. (2) If the K-Trans is ON, then the keyer source + the type of transition (mix, wipe, DME) are stored as part of the snapshot. (3) If both the K-Trans & K-MOD are on, then the keyer source + any transition + all modifiers are stored as part of the snapshot. (4) If neither the K-MOD or the K-Trans are lit when you store the snapshot, then only the keyer source is stored...in this case you will see the source change on the keyer bus, but nothing else will happen. Also, take a look in the Keyer Snapshot menu to make sure that you don't have any attributes turned on that will inhibit source changes.[/quote] So if you lite up K-Mod and all 4 keyers have K-Trans on, it would save all four at once on that snapshot, correct? With K-Trans on, does it store the state (Key On/Off) or just the transition effect? Not in front of one now to test...

Brian Watts

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
When you hold down the K-SS button & press one of the 4 soft buttons for the delegated keyer, you are storing one of 4 types of key information: (1) if the K-MOD is ON, then the keyer source + any modifiers (such as chroma key, PST PATT, & Clip/Gain Settings) are stored as part of the snapshot. (2) If the K-Trans is ON, then the keyer source + the type of transition (mix, wipe, DME) are stored as part of the snapshot. (3) If both the K-Trans & K-MOD are on, then the keyer source + any transition + all modifiers are stored as part of the snapshot. (4) If neither the K-MOD or the K-Trans are lit when you store the snapshot, then only the keyer source is stored...in this case you will see the source change on the keyer bus, but nothing else will happen. Also, take a look in the Keyer Snapshot menu to make sure that you don't have any attributes turned on that will inhibit source changes.

Bob Ennis