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Version 15 1 ME dual panel

7 replies [Last post]
Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005

Just recently had the truck I work on the most upgrade to V15. Everything seems to be fine except for the 1ME panel in the dual room. The shifted row does not show the macros that are built there when you hold the shift button down. When you release the button you see the macro labels for a cople of frames before they go back to the non shifted side. While the shift button is held, the panel goes blank. If you press the button, the macro executes, so the problem is just with the displays.

Anyone seen this?


John Henkel
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Yes you have made your remarks known before, that's why it's not required to keep saying it. I guess I got a tone from your posting, and have gotten it before, that is not the way I'd post. We'll leave it at that. All is good.
Rick Tugman
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[quote="John Henkel"][quote="Rick Tugman"]This all should be very interesting in the coming months with Thompson dumping Grass Valley all together. With the company is up for sale who knows what cuts they'll make so it's anybody's guess when this will get fixed![/quote] Rick, hang on a moment. There's no need get snippy. I know these people personally and I'm sure they are not just going to stop working and sit around. Plenty of companies have been sold without a hiccup in support. It is indeed interesting news, not surprising, but interesting. The economy stinks all around, but let's try to be the mostly, usually civil folks that we tend to be here. Please and thank you. John[/quote] I wasn't getting snippy John ... I actually think this is a good thing GV is up for sale and we'll hopefully be done with the garbage Thompson has been selling in this market. Now that is snippy!!! :-) Seriously, I don't want to see anyone lose work, but I truly think Thompson hindered GV with the products they were selling. There cameras are bad and the Kayak is just a piece of junk for the remote market. I'm not saying it the Kayak doesn't have it's place, but not in a remote environment as I have said many times before. Cheers, Rick.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Aug 2005
Scott- This has happened on 12HDX as well. It only happened once, but it did happen. Very odd. GVG has been contacted now that it has been duplicated on multiple trucks. It's a very odd problem. Only found in 15.1. Bill
John Henkel
John Henkel's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Rick Tugman"]This all should be very interesting in the coming months with Thompson dumping Grass Valley all together. With the company is up for sale who knows what cuts they'll make so it's anybody's guess when this will get fixed![/quote] Rick, hang on a moment. There's no need get snippy. I know these people personally and I'm sure they are not just going to stop working and sit around. Plenty of companies have been sold without a hiccup in support. It is indeed interesting news, not surprising, but interesting. The economy stinks all around, but let's try to be the mostly, usually civil folks that we tend to be here. Please and thank you. John
Rick Tugman
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Sep 2005
This all should be very interesting in the coming months with Thompson dumping Grass Valley all together. With the company is up for sale who knows what cuts they'll make so it's anybody's guess when this will get fixed!
Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
Thanks Paul, I guess this means it is a software issue. Thanks, Scott
Paul Spitzer
User offline. Last seen 3 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Yeah, Scott... it's on the 8HDX as well. At least there's some consistency! It seems, as you said, that the macros are there, as they show up in the menu panel. AND, you can attach them even if you can't see them. Just another fun "thing" with duels!