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White Flash

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Feb 2009

I'm new to the Sony 8000G, coming off a GVG Kalypso (which I love!). On Kalypso, I used one of the user transitions to create a white flash...cut to white, dissolve out. This was a great setup because I could flash background only, background with key(s) or between keys. Is there any way to do this on the Sony 8000? Thanks for your help. New to the forum, looks like a great place to find help.

hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2008
[quote="AJR"]The macro changes DSK 4 to white (we use DSK 4 for our DDR transitions), pauses a frame, cuts DSK 4 on, pauses a frame or 2, PP Cut, DSK 4 auto trans off, pause 12 frames, and changes DSK 4 back to to the original source. You can go clean, with, etc. One button push whiteflash.[/quote] As white is a Xpt source wouldn't it be easier to make a macro that selects the White xpt on the program bus, pauses a frame or two, then auto trans P/P current current with a trans rate of what ever you like. That way you don't have to worry about the changing any of the DSK's seems like you would get the same result.
User offline. Last seen 10 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Feb 2006
Whenever I've had to do one, I use a macro. The macro changes DSK 4 to white (we use DSK 4 for our DDR transitions), pauses a frame, cuts DSK 4 on, pauses a frame or 2, PP Cut, DSK 4 auto trans off, pause 12 frames, and changes DSK 4 back to to the original source. You can go clean, with, etc. One button push whiteflash. Hope it helps, Allan
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Hi Bob, Bill and Dave; Thanks so much for your responses. The Preset Color Mix is close, but not quite. I would like to cut to white, then dissolve out to preset. Preset Color Mix doesn't seem to do that. I could live with that, however, it doesn't allow a flash between keyers without flashing the background. And flashing from background with key to background with no key or a different key is a little odd too, as the first key stays up over white and doesn't go away until the white dissolves out. I had thought about maybe trying to cheat with a wipe. That may be what I end up doing. I will try Super Mix and see if I have better luck with that. I wish it had something like the Kalypso's user transition, which made the white flash easy and did exactly what I'm looking for. One more thing for the wish list...on the DME transitions; on a single channel move to be able to run the effect in reverse, effecting the video off and revealing the next video with the option of having keyers on the reveal.
Dave P
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Oct 2005
I always use Super Mix, with A and B gain both set to 100. One trans includes the flash to white. The immediacy of the white on and off can be altered by adjusting the gain levels.
Bill D
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Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Here is the way I do a white flash, another option I build a white flash with a wipe, soft edges, white border. I think I do a mix with another wipe but could probably just do a soft circle or something. Anyway once you have the wipe built so it looks good. Save it as a wipe snapshot, and then build a macro that recalls wipe snapshot, selects wipe as transition, does auto trans with trans rate to XX frames, then pauses xx frames, and put it back to mix. End up with one button press to wipe flash. You can obviously go with, clean, etc.
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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On the SONY you use the Preset Color Mix to do a White Flash. If you double-press that button on the Transition Panel it will take you to the Transition Menu. Pressent the PCM in this menu not only lets you adjust the time of the transition in the menu, it also lets you adjust the color of the transition. Set it to White & you're done. Unlike the Kalypso, this color is NOT the wipe border color - it is a dedicated matte generator. You can also use snap shots & timelines to set the PCM color, even if the button isn't activated on the Trans Panel as part of the effect recall. I use this trick a lot so if my Director asks out of the blue for a white flash, I know that just by activating the PCM button I'll have it for him.

Bob Ennis