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snapshot bank recall with macros?

7 replies [Last post]
Michael Nice
Michael Nice's picture
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Hi all,

I am looking to recall my M/E 2 snapshot banks in the flexipad that have my cameras for each two-box, three box, and split effects that I build with a macro when I recall the effect. I tried to record it, but the flexipad delegation buttons are not macroable, so does anyone have a good solution or workaround?


Michael Nice

hosko's picture
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I can only think that he wants to leave the flexipad set to macro ie doesn't want to change between shotbox, macro and snapshots. If that is what he wants to do the easiest way is to start building an online macro, then use the numeric keypad control block to recall any snapshots you need.
Bill D
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Confused as to why Chris's idea wouldn't work seems easier to just add to the shotbox?
Michael Nice
Michael Nice's picture
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Thanks Allan, That did the trick! I was already using recall and rewind for my efx with p-bus, so I enabled macros as well and it works seamlessly Michael
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Michael, I think what you're trying to do can be done (indirectly). The only catch is that you need v7.2 software running on the panel. 1. Start recording a new menu macro 2. Go to the M/E 2, MISC, SNAPSHOT menu (pg. 1277) 3. Hit the bank select button and type in what bank you want 4. Stop recording the menu macro and store it 5. Insert that menu macro into a panel macro (lets say macro 99) 6. Create a macro effects timeline. The rewind action recalls macro 99 and the first keyframe recalls macro 99 7. Add the macro timeline to your shotbox recall Just out of curiosity, do you have your effects timeline recall mode set to "Recall" or "Recall and Rewind" (pg. 7326.2)? I don't remember if the flexipad in the menu follows what you have on the panel but it might be worth a shot. Won't be back in front of the switcher until Tuesday but I'll have to try this out then. Hope that helps, -Allan
Chris Boden
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Hi Michael! Why don't you add your snapshots to your shotbox? When you already recall your split effects with the shotbox, you could add the corresponding snapshots to the same shotbox registers. I'm not sitting in front of a 8000 right now but I think it's possible to recall snapshots with a macro. During your macro recording, you can switch between the different states of the flexipad. Start recording a macro, switch to snapshots, press your snapshot button, switch back to macro and continue recording or press 'store'. It's also possible to edit you macro in the 'offline edit mode'. I'm quite sure that you can add a 'snapshot recall' by using the 'offline edit mode'. Let me know if it worked! Greetings from Hamburg, Chris
Michael Nice
Michael Nice's picture
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Hey Allan, essentially what I have is a shot box effect that calls up my two boxes, splits, three boxes...etc I also made snapshots for each effect with different cameras in each box in M/E 2. I want to have the bank of snapshots for each effect get recalled when I recall my shotbox...I tried to do this with a macro..but the deligation buttons on the flexipad are not macroable...I guess.. So yes, I am looking for a macro to recall a snapshot bank # Thanks Michael
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Michael, I'm not quite sure I get what you're trying to do. Do you want a macro to recall a certain snapshot bank number in M/E 2? -Allan