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Kalypso TE Clear / Normal Tips & Tricks

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2007

When Kalypso TE's are used on keyers, especially on PGM/PST where a lot of effects are executed using macro and not e-mem, what is the best way to free up and normal TE's when an effect is done?

Would one build all TE timelines so that the final keyframe has the keyer turned off, effects send canceled, and TE parameters returned to the unity keyframe? I've tried this before, but almost always somehow miss normalling something. If the next effect I use is macro-driven, the effect may have things messed up because there's something leftover from the previous TE effect.


User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2007
[quote="Rich Berlant"]Example...in my world (live sports)...I have added my "replay on" TL (my defacto default) with a macro recall at the end of my "replay off" move. And even with this, I still manually (macro, on Kalypso) recall my replay on move constantly throughout the show...even when it's already loaded...merely habit (and safety). Rich[/quote] Same here, with my replay-in recalling my replay-out and vice versa via macro on Kalypso. I dig this, versus the method on 3K/4K where you could build the replay-in *and* replay-out in the same timeline, with the end of the timeline cueing the FF back to the replay-in so you're ready to go to run it all again. This rarely worked for me for some reason, but that's probably just me. I always found myself calling up the replay-out while I was on the tape or EVS. As for constantly recalling my replay on the Kalypso, I'm glad that I'm not the only one. I can think of it as being safe instead of having OCD, now. Thanks
Rich Berlant
User offline. Last seen 15 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="MM"]That said, I guess the question would be, is it better to always build state normals at the end of *every* timeline that needs it, or, simply be sure to recall your switcher normal (likely your PGM/PST, PBus replay timeline) as a habit after all other moves?[/quote] Absolutely. Especially in this type of situation...anything you can do to eliminate risk from what may be deemed "non-standard" setup is advised. Now since you're not talking about a lot of effects that need this treatment....is the timing finite?...does it do its thing, then it's done...or does it need to sit parked for a while (after its run)? If finite transition, since you're already comfortable adding macros to TLs, how about a macro recall added to the end of these TLs that recalls your "default" setup (after appropriate delay to make sure effect finishes). Example...in my world (live sports)...I have added my "replay on" TL (my defacto default) with a macro recall at the end of my "replay off" move. And even with this, I still manually (macro, on Kalypso) recall my replay on move constantly throughout the show...even when it's already loaded...merely habit (and safety). I think what you're finding here is, as much as we like to use the power of these switchers to do more and more complex moves at the touch a button (after touching many buttons to program such effect)...and I'm a big proponent of programming the hell out of a show to make "air" easier...there are times, as live TDs, that we actually have to pay attention to what we are doing and where we are in a show. :) We still can't totally idiot-proof, or with apologies - automate, what we do. Rich
Bob Ennis
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Remember that the TE's have no "normal" of their own. It's the keyers that drive the TE's...clearning all parameters from a TE at the end of a move will temporarily clear out the TE, but as soon as the keyer is recalled with EFF SEND then the TE will go back to whatever the Effects Sent keyer tells it to do. If you want to clear a keyer's settings as part of a macro, you can hold down the keyer crosspoint while pressing the CLEAR WORK BUFFER - but this may not release the EFF SEND or clear out a TE's parameters...that's done in the TE's menu with either CLEAR XFORMS or CLEAR ALL. If you're building timelines, then I'd suggest getting into the habit of turning off the keyer & turning off EFF SEND at the end of each timeline. That has the additional benefit of putting the TE back into the availability pool so that it can be used elsewhere - getting in to this habit will help to keep you out a situation where you recall an effect but find that there are no TE's available.

Bob Ennis

User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
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Rich, The situation I'd be in there *is* one where an e-mem timeline is triggering macros *and* changing switcher states via keyframes. Thus, the ability would exist to simply insert keyframes to normal the switcher at the end of the effect. Personally, I would never run macro-only effects, unless painted into a corner (COUGH...Kayak). The danger I'm thinking about is where you do something deep to switcher states (TE effects send, TE reposition values, keyer opacities, masks, etc.) and have these all in a non-normal state, then suddenly go to an e-mem timeline that's macro-heavy, using only your macro e-mem level and PBus timeline level, for example, and you now only have macros "pushing buttons" instead of recalling total switcher states, which would normal those deep changes mentioned above. That said, I guess the question would be, is it better to always build state normals at the end of *every* timeline that needs it, or, simply be sure to recall your switcher normal (likely your PGM/PST, PBus replay timeline) as a habit after all other moves? Thanks
Rich Berlant
User offline. Last seen 15 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Whether macro or emem, I think it makes sense to "reset" things after execution. Easy with emem, as the next recall will reset the system to what you want, More complex with macro only effects. You might be able to clear things, as you suggest, at the end of the macro. You might have to play with delays to make sure your effects run as planned. You may even need a "reset" macro to do this. Wish I had a better answer...but your situation does raise a question for me. Why macro only? Why not emem/timeline, which will reset things, and run the emem/TL from a macro? I've only had to do macro only on split Kalypso, and I'm fortunate that is no longer part of my world (sorry guys that have to do these). And yes, in macro only modes, there certainly were more risks (in my opinion). If you could give a few examples of what you're doing, and on what Kalypso (full or not), we might have some ideas to help you. Rich