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Marco Timelines not clearing on a Clear before Load

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Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005


Does anyone know why macro timelines don't seem to clear when doing an all file load with the clear before load option selected?

It seems that you have to either A- clear them manually in the effect menu, or B all clear the panel to get them to delete.

Seems a little odd that these timelines don't clear like the rest of the regions do?

thank you


Chris Boden
Chris Boden's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Hello together! It took me a little longer to find some time to play around with our Sony, but finally I did! And I've experienced the same little bug in the same way you've all described it. I have reported it to our responsible representative at Sony and I'm looking forward for the answer I will receive. Greetings from Cologne, Chris
Brian Mirrlees
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I've noticed this as well, or at least a very similar behaviour when re-loading. Our facility is using the model MVS-8000G with ver. 7.22 software as well. The effects between the TDs are the same, but we each have our own approach to getting them done. I normally do a clear all when loading from the HDD or a thumbdrive. When watching the panel clear (I'm easily amused by all the lights!) I notice that macro names that have been entered/arrtibuted to utility shotbox buttons clear, but the "root" macro positon remains ie. macro 8 or macro 9. These are the macros where specific sequences where first stored, and later renamed. b.
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Chris, Thanks for the response, and the help. We are running 7.2 on a 8000G. Happens in both control rooms ( 2 switcher, both set up the same. ) I have also heard of this happening at a completely different facility, so I know others have seen the issue. Here is how you can see if you have the issue. Load up your show ( or build and save a few effects etc ) that have macro timelines. Clear a register or two of all regions, including macro Save that modified show at a different directory Reload your first show so the macro timelines are back. Do and All CLear, and LOAD from the menu of your modified show ( w/out the macro timelines on the reg. you cleared) Look at the effect menu, and the problem I am having is the macro timelines never clear with the clear before load. The macro timelines from the original show are still there. Not a huge deal, more of an annoyance. thank you Curt
Chris Boden
Chris Boden's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Curt, I will be sitting in front of the switcher today and I will try to find out if we have the same problem with the software version we're using on our systems. Could you tell me which software version you've installed on your system? Maybe I can give a feedback to our Sony guy who could try to make that bug be fixed with the next software update. Chris
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Chris, Thank you for the response. Yes, I have cleared the panel (all clear) and this works because all the macro timelines are wiped w/ an all clear. It really just looks like the macro timeline portion of the effects don't clear like the other regions do. thanks for the suggestions. Curt
Chris Boden
Chris Boden's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Sep 2005
Hello Curt, I've never heard of that before. Did you try to make a restart of the whole system to the factory defaults and load your setup again? Possibly that helps, although it's not a solution for a long time. Chris