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Lyon SBS 2 the old NMT SBS 2

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Mar 2006

I was reading a manual about the 2ME panel and is stated that you can use all 3 M/E plus P/P with a delegation. Is this true? I am not sure if it is a truck by truck deal with licensing. Thoughts on this or the truck in general.

A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Now try a dual feed on just a 1ME panel. The way I did the Dual on the 2ME panel was to split ME1, take Key 4 on the SEC side, and have ME1B as a easy to get to source. So now I can effect to a Background with Duet1... you could take a step further to macro a change between Duet1 & 2, bus link ME1's preview bus to ME1's Util1 bus... now I can easily go to any source with either Duet1, or Duet2. Double boxes are a-whole-nother can of worms. --- Dan
User offline. Last seen 13 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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After the show just to fill anyone in on the truck. I ended up on Lyon MU1 not Lyon MU2. MU1 is a 2 ME (only one me1 + p/p). The software is version 14.1. I want to pass along some thoughts from the show. There were a great deal of issues in this show and I am not going to blame the EIC or LYON, however I just want to make everyone that may see this truck aware of the issues that I ran into. Be aware of the "newness" of the mobile units to Lyon and the engineers that have to figure these trucks out on the fly. I had to help a bit with getting things hooked up and we were not able to get the tele working. Once we got into the show things were relatively smooth, but be prepared for a slow start. Again I just want to make sure that I am clear that I am not bashing the truck or the engineers that are doing their best to learn the trucks, I just want to pass along to my fellow TD's that you may have a slow go getting into pre-production and such. The engineer on my last show did a great job given the situations. I will also say this was my first time on a dual of any sort, and had to figure out ways to get things set up. So I will also ask, how do you guys set up duals? I did boxes in P/P using 3 of my keyers and turning holds off to delagate cameras. I split ME1 to do Graphic / Camera effects. The duet is only version 5.2 from what i heard so the FOX HD show will not load which means no backgrounds from duet. I had to marry everything live. Should you have any thoughts on what I could have done better I would greatly appreciate it. I made my share of mistakes due to my setup. Thanks Much.

A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

Rick Tugman
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I used to work on SBS2. This particular truck has a Kalypso but only had Program/Preset and one functioning M/E which is delegated. The other delegations for the other M/Es was not operational. It's possible the truck may of had a upgrade as it was in Phoenix for sometime but it worked as stated when I used it. So the answer the original question, yes you do delegate which M/E you want to select, but only if the actual M/E exists where you can actually use it.
Bob Ennis
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If the hardware is there in the mainframe, then the 2 M/E panel can access all available M/E's via delegation. Each of the 2 M/E's have a delegation area to allow any M/E to be assigned to the buses.

Bob Ennis

Mike Cumbo
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Not sure which SBS truck I used a few years back but it only had one ME active. (+ P/P) Made for doing my MLB game rather interesting considering the client decided to add things as we went. (yes, it was one of the SBS trucks with a Kalypso.)