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kayak training without side panel?

6 replies [Last post]
Michael Nice
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all,

I am looking to do some training on a kayak this summer, having access to both a kayak HD and kayak DD. Problem is, neither one has the side panel software, or any type of DDR device to work with. Basicly these switchers are set up in control rooms to do cuts, dissolves. and keys. basically a Grass 110 only in HD. So I am looking to learn all the ins and outs of this switcher, but without all of the "extras" how far can I expect to get in learning to program it?

any help is appreciated

Michael Nice

Mike Cumbo
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Michael, I have never run a Kayak without the sidepanel however the way I run it is rather "different". For certain tasks I use the sidepanel, for others I use the panel display. I don't know how i would fare if i didn't have the sidepanel.
Matt Saplin
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[quote="D9_hoosier"]Can the kayak be as functional w/o the side panel...only taking much longer to program..or is it a necessity for most operations?[/quote] Michael ... I found the switcher to be fine without the side-panel software, but like me, you'll probably find that the mini-touch-screen on the panel to be a bit too small to navigate easily. I found the side-panel especially helpful when building macros ... just easier to read and scroll. Still, to learn the switcher and the menus, I'm sure you'll be OK without side-panel. Funny, I'm also on a MacBook Pro, and find that I use "Parallels" most often to run Kalypso and Kayak side-panel software. Good luck! Matt
Michael Nice
Michael Nice's picture
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[quote="Mike Cumbo"]Do you have a laptop? You can run the software on the laptop. (Provided that the facility has a network cable at the TD position.)[/quote] Mike, I have a Macbook pro...but am not running windows at the moment..really don't have a way to easily get access to the side panel software..let alone hook it up to a switcher. Can the kayak be as functional w/o the side panel...only taking much longer to program..or is it a necessity for most operations? Michael Nice
Mike Cumbo
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-that is the Kayak software. - for the Kalypso. BE CAREFUL when installing the software on your computer. For the Kalypso you want to install the MENU ON PC portion, otherwise when you reboot your computer will think it is a switcher. It has been a wahile since I loaded the Kayak software on a laptop, not sure if there are any things to watch for.
KurtASutton's picture
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where can I get the menu software? will it load without being hooked into a switcher?
Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Do you have a laptop? You can run the software on the laptop. (Provided that the facility has a network cable at the TD position.)