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Tiff number sequence problem when importing stills

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Jul 2006

Sometimes I have an issue when importing a tiff sequence from my usb memory key to the 8000g's still/clip file.

The still frame numbers come up out of sequence when I get ready to transfer them from into the switcher.
After loading the tiff sequence, the animation won't play. The frames can be recalled individually but not as a clip. This is a hit or miss problem.

Is there a way to prevent this issue from happening when copying the frames from my computer to the usb memory key or can I correct the issue at the switcher?

Bonus Question:

I would like to import @ 1200 tiffs for a looping background that I need to load onto a ddr. The switcher seems
to start generating errors after frame #700 +. Any thoughts? Is there a work-around? Can I take two clips (600 frames each) and bolt them together on timeline then loops them.

One note: I was having issues in the past with various memory sticks, usb keys, etc. 'Seems to me when I turn off the USB auto detect feature, I've had much better success at loading images, files, etc.


User offline. Last seen 13 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Jul 2006
Hey Guys, Here's a follow-up to the questions I posed earlier. Question: When I load a TIFF sequence on my USB key, the stills are out of sequence and don't play in order. Answer: Rename the clip and the stills realign themselves in the proper order for playback. Figured this out purely by accident. Question: The switcher generates error messages when loading more than 700 stills for a keyable clip sequence. Answer: I need to go back to school and learn how to count. I was trying to load 1200 tiffs for an animation. The switcher had 1400 slots available. Of course I never factored in the "beta"or alpha ch. which takes a still frame as well. So a 1200 tiff sequence really is 2400 still images. Hence when I got to still 700, which really is a total of 1400 stills, the switcher was became full at that point. I really shouldn't try to do anything that requires any thought at 3:30am/ Dave
User offline. Last seen 13 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Jul 2006
Hey Matt, We're 720p and have @ 2322 frames available to record on. Normally what I do is bring in a tiff sequence and load it into the switcher via page #7162. I then go to page # 2521 and recall the matte and fill. I then proceed to page #2522 and play the animation and record it onto one of our (pos) Doremi DDRs for playback during the show. Afterwards, I delete the clip in the switcher for future animations. I've been able to load tiff sequences consisiting of 600+ frames with no issues. Thanks for the help Matt. Dave
Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005
Dave ... I haven't experienced the first issue that you've noted. Sorry I can't be much help there. As for the bonus question, I take it that your 8000G has 2 FM cards? I know that at 1080i, one FM card's capacity is approximately 1060 frames, with ancillary data about 800 frames. Also, is your 1200 frame loop something that is built out of a TIFF sequence, and then you create a keyframe animation out of it? If that's the case, I know that each level of an effect only has a certain number of KFs available (500, I believe, seen in the KF status part of the GUI), but I think the switcher would generate an error message telling you that it had insufficient KF's available if that were the case. Good luck, Matt