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Sidepanel on ext. PC KayakDD2

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Oct 2007

Hi everyone,

I will probably work on a KayakDD2 this autumn.
I am a hardcore Sony-man, and my experience with this switcher is limited to punching.

I do want to hook up my own laptop to this creature, and I just don't know anything on about how to do this. I gather I need to find software somewhere. Does it need to be the same version as installed on the switcher? How do I connect to the mainframe? Any tips about this issue would be much appreciated.


User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Sep 2009
very simple actually :) just install the sidepanel software to a laptop.. configure the NIC in your laptop to for example (default ip adresses on kayakdd2 are in the* range) plug your laptop on the kayak network and off you go... if you encounter any more problem, please let me know