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Linking Busses on 8000A v7.22

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Joe Kern
User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 27 Oct 2006

I had a question concerning linking busses. I am building a movie clapboard effect using a animation that has a fill and 2 alphas. The 2nd alpha is the opening of the clapboard. My thinking is to link the preset bus with a Key bus on M/E3 (using Menu 7336.1 - Internal Bus Link). I would select my next source on the preset bus(with the key bus following) and run the macro. When the matte comes full on the key, the macro would undercut the bkgd and turn off the key. I could then repeat the effect as needed.

My question is how do I turn off the bus link to run other effects on that M/E. Since it's in the ENG menu, I don't think it is emem controlled. I guess I would use a menu macro to turn on/off the link. Thanks in advance for suggestions/ideas.


Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
I've tried this & yes, you can use one menu macro to establish one or more bus links - just start learning the menu macro & then build the links. You can then use a second menu macro to select the appropriate link on menu page 7336.1 & hit CLEAR. You can then attach these menu macros to panel macros & you should be all set.

Bob Ennis