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G.V. Ignite - seeking pros & cons

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Andrew in Kansa...
User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Mar 2007

I've googled for information on grasses ignite system but really only finding articles written to tell us how great life is with an automated control room. The station Iam at has purchased a system and we are in the middle of training. Iam curious to hear from people using the system to hear both sides of story.

I know many of the obvious pros but trying to figure out what the optimal operating paramaters are for this system and what is too much. We have a face paced newscast using a crew of seven, not including the producer or other newsroom people. After the system is on line it will be a producer and one operator still doing the same style newscast.

Roughly what should be an average number of TME's to be coded for a half hour show?
What's a reasonable amount of learning curve / time from beginning of training to putting on to air? Week one of training were 2 1/2 hour sessions per day. Week two was 1 1/2 and this third week is without the trainer of 2 1/2 hours. This is a group of about 4 or 5 of us working on coding rundowns and running TME's as well as trouble shooting problems with TME''s building IQ tables, templates, double boxes, and other DPM's etc etc.. Then the trainer comes back for two more weeks of what will probably be the same amount of hours per day.

We have a mix of TD's, Directors and VizRt operator in the mix and unfortunately, not everyone will make the cut and get to stay employed.

Thanks for any thoughts you all may have.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 28 Aug 2009
I already answered this in the TD forum, but in case you're looking here for a response..... We took a look at the GV ignite system and were very underwhelmed. It is a timeline-based systems and is extrememly IN-Flexible, especially in a breaking news situation -- which we found unacceptable. The timeline-based display is exactly opposite of our iNews vertical display and I found it quite annoying. ] Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a piece of junk I'm just not sure it was for us. We've heard, though the very large grapevine that is TV broadcasting, some very good things about Sony's new system. I don't even know what it's called but I do know that an Austin station is on the air with it and rumor has it that it's being installed all over the country. I'm trying to get our management to remove the "Grass Valley" sticker firmly from their butt and take a look at the Sony system. Personally, I wouldn't even let Ross Video in the door. All I ever hear is what a nightmare the support is with Ross. Skip them if you can. Steve.