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Include audio while recording key on MVS800a

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Feb 2006

While recording a chromakey, I would also like to record a matte with program audio. I record the video fill for my ckey off program. I assign M/E3 keypreview to M/E 3 output 4 and use that to generate my matte. I feed M/E3 output 4 into an aux bus that is routed into a record machine. Even though I turn the pass-through ON for M/E3 output 4 and the aux bus, I get no audio because there is no audio mapped to M/E3 output 4. Does anybody know how to map audio to a keypreview input?


User offline. Last seen 10 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Feb 2006
If I remember correctly, M/E outs won't pass audio. If you're using a router and route up your control room output, is the audio embedded? If so, I would track the animation via the audio board, put the chroma key online from the switcher and feed the control room output (the output of the router) to the FM input.