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DVE Effects

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Jarrett Baker
User offline. Last seen 14 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Apr 2009

I'm looking to expand my abilities on the DVEous. Without having a USB to 3.5" adapter, downloading effects from the 'net and then dissecting them is not currently an option.

So what effects do you all suggest I teach myself to build?

I've got font flies, double boxes and a few treatment ideas (including using color correction and reflecting an image off the "ground") on my list. But what else should I be working on?

Thanks for all the input.


Jarrett Baker
User offline. Last seen 14 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Apr 2009
Mike, Thanks for that information. We use Lyon 8 on American Le Mans (I run camera), and the Kalypso was upgraded to a Kayenne this summer. The DVEous was removed as part of the upgrade. The animations that a Viz or Duet can do are nice. I noticed some cool transitions from the bug to a lower-third scorecard on college football this weekend. It seems like most pages in a Duet are built with an animation, and directors can use it or fire the effect and then add the font. I'm comfortable building 2x boxes and basic treatments in the DVEous. I've done a little bit with internal DVEs on a Kalypso. I'll keep working with both and experiment as I go. I'm a big fan of having a tally on multi boxes, so I'll likely lean toward internal DPM when the opportunity arises.
Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Jarrett, just so that you know, many of the Mobile TV Group trucks do not have an external DVE and at least one of the Lyon HD trucks doesn't either. The type of effects you can build on those trucks is limited by the DPM options they have bought. I try to discourage CG flies, since the client usually has a "look" and many of them now don't include CG flies. A Viz or Duet can do better then a DVE. It seems that FSN loves 2 boxes. I built tons of those this season. As for treatment, some shows love it, others don't. Always good to have something handy. BTW, if i have both internal DPM channels and a DVEous, I will use the internal channels for two or three boxes since it gives the camera ops tallies.