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DSK drop

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Oct 2007


read the manual briefly but couldn't find anything about this matter. Is there a dsk drop feature in the kahuna, as in for example Sony?

I want to be able to cut off a specific key/dsk at the same time as I cut "hot" on the A-bus, instead of going through the cut-key. If there is such a feature, is it also possible to create a meny macro that toggle on/off the feature on specified key/dsk?


User offline. Last seen 4 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Hi Martin, To copy key info from one keyer to another just use the COPY and PASTE buttons on the bottom of the GUI. Hold down COPY then go to the Delegates area at the bottom left side of the GUI and press the ME button then the key button for the keyer you want to copy from. Then in the Delegates area again press the ME button of the ME you want to send the key info. Then hold down PASTE and press the key button for the keyer that's getting the info. If you are going to copy from one key to another on the same ME then you can skip pressing the ME button before you paste. You can also use the key buttons on the control panel. When you hold down COPY and PASTE you will see the buttons light up on the panel that you can select. The same procedure works for copying MEs. When you ask about snapshots are you talking about when you press and hold a User Function button or when you save a DMEM? If you are talking about DMEMs then just recall them to any ME. DMEMs are floating memories so you can build them anywhere, save them anywhere and recall them anywhere. If you are talking about the User Function snapshot memories, then they are tied to the bank where the snapshot was taken. If you need to move that snapshot memory to another ME you can recall the snapshot and save it as a DMEM and then recall it to any ME. You can also take the ME on which you want the snapshot recalled onto and move it to the bank that has the snapshot, then recall the snapshot, then move the original ME back to that bank. Like most things on Kahuna there can be a few ways to do the same thing. I also hope your facility has upgraded to 4.2R9 software. What facility do you work for? You seem to know the Sony well. Does your facility have Sony switchers and Kahunas or has Kahuna replaced the Sonys? Cheers, -= Ken =-
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Oct 2007
Thank you Ken, I hope that our facility have the 4.2 version. Another little question about keyers - I struggle to find a copy/swap-function in the menu. I want to be able to copy a key (and its parameters) from one ME to another, and also between keyers on the same ME - hot, quick and on the fly. Is there also possible to "move" snapshots between ME's easy? (you find yourself in the situation that you need do change ME, but you want the active snapshot, which you have saved on one ME, to be recalled on another one) These are easy things to do on the Sony - I hope it also is on the Kahuna? mh
User offline. Last seen 4 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Hi Martin, Yes and Yes. Drop Key was introduced in version 4.2 software. I suggest you download and install the latest version which is 4.2R9 software. Drop Key is found under "User Config > Preferences" and is fully configurable. You can build a macro to turn Drop Key on and off. Cheers, -= Ken =-