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Split Key / Chryon Op Problem

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Oct 2009

I working on an 3k (Old School all the way) and I have a qestion on how to handel the split key, I have ME-3 Key 2 split with ME-1 for the clocks and score bug, and during time outs my Chryon guy wants to put things on the back and the front instead of just the front. ME-2 is tied up for replay.
 I have Emem's set up for each camera to take ME-3 with the bug and clock so I'm wondering if I should just change Key 2 to the back and then when I get the bug back just use my Emem to get me back on track. The problem I have with that is the only way to get back on track is using my Emem and if the Dir calls for a fade I just put myself in a box.
He also wanted to use the back over a replay, then I have a FF effect off and he wanted the back over live camera and then score bug and clock were after that, I made him use the front over the live shot and he was not really happy with me. So I'm wondering am I wrong on trying to get him to use the front during the game, before or after the game no problem I just turn of the Devous on ME-1
Any input on how you guys used to do this when you were on a 3k would great, am I asking to much to keep things on the front?
Thanks for your input, he tossed my me under the buss yesterday and I want to learn what every I can!

Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

When I worked on 3k's/4k's.   Most directors took everything from the front side, knowing that the switcher was tied up with what you mention.  I would suggest to them the same thing.   You don't have a Kalypso.   Only time you may do something from both was lineups or something but never during game action.   Other option is like you mention always make it font 2, and have emems change it.
If you need to dissolve to camera, get there and then bring on clock by either firing off emem (key would cut on).  Or make a effects dissolve on an emem (zero?)  (no idea how many cameras you have).  Effects dissolve would source hold bgds, and would just dissolve on the clock.

Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005

I know alot of people don't like to do this, but if you run with Key Memory ON. and take the time to set up all the keyers you want to use, the switcher will remember how to key your fonts and your ME as a split with out tieing up emems to change them. If you want to try this, look for Key Memory under User Prefs. Do a clear switcher at the beginning of the day and then set up your keyers. Now you can dance between Font 2 and your Split ME key all day long and it will be seamless.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Oct 2009

Thanks Scott,
  I will be working in the truck this coming Sat and Sun and will look into your ideal, I run with source memory on the Kalypso at work (My Day Job) and really like doing so even through I'm the only one who does. So I'm guessing running the 3k with Key Memory On might just work for me.