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Kalypso Layered mode

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Jan 2006

I have a question about using layered mode on a Kalypso.  When in layered mode, do the A and B busses become keyers as well like they did in the 3k/4k?  If so, how do you turn the A and B buss keyers on and off?  For basketball I often will use M/E 1 split with the secondary side layered.  The secondary side has the score bug with the clocks over it (3 keyers).  I key this on M/E 3 (or wherever I need) for the score bug.  M/E 1 primary has clocks over game camera.  The problem is that I run out of keyers doing this and will often use the DVE to combine keys on the primary side (clock Still Store frame, game clock and shot clock) on the 1 remaining keyer.  If I could use the secondary A and B busses as keys then I might be OK in a situation where I have no DVE available.Thanks for any thoughts or info here. --Mike 

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005

The A & B buses do not act like keyers when in layered mode - they "go away" & allow the assigned keyers to pass both their fill & key signals.
What I have done is to use the 4 keyers in layered mode on the Secondary side...this leaves the primary side with just the A & B buses available for doing simple transitions (such as for replays).

Bob Ennis