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Macros, 8000a, and "K-TR ENBL"

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Oct 2008

So here's the deal, I am trying to make a macro that will make a "white flash" without doing any major changes to the M/E. My idea is to use a still of a white frame (yeah, probably an odd way of doing it but, it works(in theory)). I have built a macro to do the effect that I want but, I have run into a little issue. The macro is as follows: 

  1. Recalls effect register 1 on user 3.
  2. Recalls key snapshot 3 on M/E 3. (sets key crosspotint and transrate)
  3. Autotrans key 4 on.
  4. Pauses 3 frames.
  5. Cut on M/E 3.
  6. Pause 1 frame.
  7. Autotrans key 4 off.

  The problem becomes when the "KEY TR ENBL" button is on, the keyer will not come on when the macro executes. When "KEY TR ENBL" is off, the macro executes as it should BUT, when other effects are recalled that affect the transrate on key 4, the macro will not work right as the transrate from the key snapshot is not recalled. So, WHY is this button affecting my macro??? Why does the button prevent the keyer from turning on when a macro is executed??? My understanding is that this button simply toggles wether or not the transrate is affected when a key snapshot is recalled and should not have anything to do with the keyers being turned on or off in a macro. What am I missing?Thanks in adavnce for any help. I am throughly confused.

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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  I appreciate everyones ideas but, heres why I thought of doing it on a keyer. Our switcher is used in a news environment and there are about 6 people that use it of various skill level on a regular basis. So, doing it on a keyer will not change the wipe pattern or anything other than key 4 on the M/E. I have built other effects in the past utilizing ideas similar to yours and it wasn't a big hit with others. For example, I built a "pumpkin wipe" for halloween that consisted of a still of a pumpkin on a keyer with a DME channel that pushed the pumpkin across the screen from left to right while performing a DME push wipe (the pumpkin masked the edge of the wipe), and when the wipe finished, it recalled a snapshot that put the M/E on a DME push wipe (a "standard" wipe for us), rather than restoring the M/E to its pre-macro set-up. I hope that made sense, it did in my head :-)  But in theory, my macro should have worked and I can't for the life of me figure out why that "K-TR ENBL" button is screwing it up... I think that when I get in to work next I am going to try to build the effect using a combination of the circle wipe and barn doors with a white border so that all that will change is the transition type... We will see how that works out next week...   Thanks Everyone!!and if anyone has any thoughts as to why that button, K-TR ENBL, is affecting things, I would love to hear them. Thanks!!!

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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Rather than use a macro or a switcher wipe, why not just use the PST COLOR MIX?  DPOPping the button will call up the Transition menu, and if you press the Preset Color Mix button you will see how you can set your color as well as the trans rate.  I set this up before learning my snapshots/timelines so that it'll always be there no matter what effect I'm using. 
Menu page 7334.1 lets you set up a Normal (2 lever arm movements) or Single (1 lever arm movement) Stroke.
If the system's set to single stroke & white is the PST Color, then doing an Auto Trans or pulling the lever arm will do a white flash - and this will work with any combination of background and keys.

Bob Ennis

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I agree with bob, PST color mix works great. This how we do our white flashes.. if you double punch pst color mix and change the luminace on the splash panel to 100, thats white.. Make a macro that  1. Presses pst color mix
2.  CUT.. which will put white online
3. Pause 2 frames maybe
4. AutoTrans --- your macro will white flash according to the transrate you have set..
5. pause again for 30 to wait until the flash happens
6. I always re-hite the Mix button, even though after your last macros step it should automatically go back to mix..
now you have a white flash macro and can attach it to where ever you want, or just run it from the flexi pad...
hope that helps--mike

Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

Not sure about the key problem, try this for a simpler way for a white flash.   Using a switcher wipe, try a circle mixed with the barn door or something.   Soft edges, white border.  Have to play with it to look like a flash but it is possible.  Save that wipe as a wipe snapshot.
Macro use offline macro editor...
Wipe snap recall  xx
Trans type wipe
pause 2 frames
ME auto trans 25 frames (or whatever works)
use a continue instead of an event right after this and make same auto trans except make rate 10 or whatever your normal is
pause 35 frames
trans type mix
you can go with clean, etc.  Not use a still, bgd, or a keyer