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Kayak iDPM channels - 2d only?

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Steve Meyer
User offline. Last seen 14 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Aug 2005

Hi all,
I found myself on a Kayak today, and had to build a squeezeback box (picture-in-picture) effect.  The squeezeback box had to have rotation and perspective in order to fit into a graphical backplate.  I could position the box in 2d with no problem, but when I tried to either "rotate" or "spin" the box, I got no 3d "depth" to the image - only a 2d squeeze.  I even went into the skew/persepctive menu.  The box skewed into a trapezoid just fine, but I got no perspective or depth.
The only thing I did notice is that this particular switcher didn't have the Spectra effects option for the iDPMs.  I know these are mostlly lighting and shadow effects, but is Spectra required for 3d?
I called GVG tech support and a service tech got in front of a Kayak and was able to see depth and perspective.  From our phone conversation it seemed we were doing the exact same steps & procedures.
Does anyone have a little insight as to what might have been going wrong on my end?  I'm not above "operator error" as a possible explanation :-) - I just want to know how to accomplish my effect.
Thanks very much for any insight.  Happy switching,

Mike Betts
User offline. Last seen 14 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Mar 2006

Hi Steve, Sorry nobody has replied sooner. Maybe you have already solved this one yourself?No you don't need Spectra for perspective on rotation of images.The only reason I can think of that you did not see perspective is that the perspective value had been set to zero to remove perspective from the iDPM channels. However resetting the switcher iDPM channels to factory default should have reset the value for you to give a natural perspective so, assuming that you had done this it sort of does not make any sense to not have perspective when rotating an image.Try changing the perspective value and see what happens.It is also possible that it is a software bug. OI do recall seeing something like this is some very early software. What version are you using?Regards, Mike