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Kayak HD Transition Wipe Question

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Feb 2010

Hello.I have created a macro that will use a targa sequence clip (with alpha) from the RamRec as a transitional wipe.I have the wipe working fine, but I'm trying to be able to wipe to Preview with the option of having a DSK in OR out. I can't figure out how to define the EMEM so that when it is recalled it "puts in" DSK4 (my RAMREC source) while leaving the Transition Area undefined (so that I can either have my preview source in or out)Hope this makes sense...

Helge Schenk
User offline. Last seen 13 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Jun 2006


simply take out "Transi" from "Define-Memo" , keep (in this case) DSK-4 enabled in "Define-Memo". Now while editing your TL , start with an "Insert/Event/PP/Transition/Fade-In-Amount" and set this to Minimum (in order to make sure that DSK4 is OFF at the beginning). Depending on the installed SW-Version there're also commands available for "Directed Cut or Auto" and "Toggle Cut or Auto" after "Insert/Event/PP/Transition/......" .This Event (Minimum or Directed Cut Off) should be the very first thing in your TL ! After that there's typically your KF which contains your designated Keyer setup (DSK-4) and your RamRecorder Channels (all enabled in "Define-Memo"). Now this would be followed by a small "Hold" (Count-Down Pause) or a "User-Wait" . After that you'd send the "Play" commands to your RR's and after that send an "Event" as listed above "Insert/Event/PP/Transition/Fade-In-Amount" and set this now to Maximum (or "Insert/Event/PP/Transition/Directed Cut On") in order to turn your Key "ON" . When your animation is covering your BGD you can send also an Event to "Cut" just the BGD (BGD-A or BGD-B doesn't matter in this case) . This way you have your "Transi" completly isolated from E-Mem recall and leaves you any level of flexability for Look-Ahead , or which Key is "On" or "Off" etc. Keep in mind that using the insert "Event" technique you're able to affect everything in a much higher granularity , such as Trans-Type, Trans-Dur , Next-Transition elements , etc. Hope that helps and

Best Regards


Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 3 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005

I did exactly what you are describing, but as a macro.  My thinking was that the clip transition could stay in DSK4 as the top most layer ... the macro would cue the clip, insert DSK4, play the clip, pause until the animation went full screen, then I just hit the AUTO TRANS button (inserted in the macro), pause again, with the final action being to turn-off DSK4 when the animation was done.

For me, just hitting the AUTO TRANS button for the macro allowed me to have BKGD and the other 3 keyers in as part of the next transition (if I needed to).

Hope that makes sense and helps, if even just a little.