MP2 Uncertainty
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Operating 8000G with V7;not operating under MP2 but would like to experiment with changing one ME to that mode for a one-time only progam coming up;my only guidelines are the PDF manual and several tips I have picked up from other posters on this ?If I save my current configurations in the Setup and Init Status(can't remember the difference between them), will I be able to easily revert to the current status without a problem? Thanks to everyone...MM
Matt, thanks for the heads-up on the DME; you and Curt got us off to a great start here...
Matt...good point..forgot you found the issue w/ that..
I don't know what ver of 7 had this you may not have it....but if you look at menu 7331 you may see an option named "RECALL M/E Config"..on the right side. Having this option on, allows snaps and effects to recall the M/E Config. So for instance, if you want M/E 1 to be in MP2 for one effect...but not the rest, your one effect could put this M/E into MP2. ( or MP or back to Standard)
If you don't have this option, then it would follow the setup you would either need to reload to get it to normal up, or just go into menu 7331 and reset it manually or better yet, use a menu macro to go back to standard mode and another menu macro to get you back in to MP2( as well as change any other settings for MP2).
IMO for where I work, it works great from a flexibility perspective. I run in the "RECALL M/E Config" on.
One thing to remember...the actual state of the option to Recall M/E Config is a setup you have to resave your setup(s) with this option on. If you choose to go this way, I would also check all effect/snaps to make sure nothing wacky happened. I built from scratch w/ this option on, but I am not sure what wackiness may happen if you turn it on for an existing build..I woud assume nothing...but I would keep an eye out.
Thanks, Curt; we do have the "Recall ME Config"; you provided some really valuable advice for us; hope to experiment tomorrow..MM
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I also used the "RECALL M/E CONFIG" scenario when I introduced MP-II at our facility. Basically, it allows you to configure MP-II once, and then recall it on a snapshot by snapshot basis. That said, a number of snapshots that I used would put the individual MEs into MP-II mode, but other snaps that were created before MP-II was enabled would still work, essentially switching MP-II to a dormant state. One word of warning: if you run things this way and end-up delegating a DME channel to an MP-II partition, the DME will still be acquired on the 'sub' partition (like if you had a DME wipe selected non the sub portion of the ME). You'll just need to manually release the DME channel, or clear it from use on the sub-side before switching away from MP-II.