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Kayak/Clipstore Recall Issue

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Feb 2010


I've found an odd glitch while working on a Kayak: When I call up and run a Clipstore effect on Bank 1 (say, EMEM 14), then recall an effect on Bank 0 that also uses the clipstore, the Key Channel on the Clipstore doesn't recall the new clip on the first try - it stays frozen on register 14. If I recall the Bank 0 effect a second time, it will cue properly.

Has anyone else seen this? It has happened to me on both MTVG 18 and 19. Is it something I'm doing wrong? When I stay on Bank 0, everything recues just fine...

-Brent K 

User offline. Last seen 11 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Mar 2008

I've had this happen before as well on MTVG HDX22.  I usually only see this happen when the clipstore is still playing when I try to recall a different effect.  For example, I run a promo timeline, dissolve off the clipstore key early then recall my replay move.  Most of the time I have to recall it twice, because the key channel won't cue the first time.