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Still Store Loader/Still Store/Kalypso

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Mar 2010

So I have a Kalypso with the normal stock Still Store...stores 3mins of full frame video.

My question, is there a way to speed up the process of converting avi/mov files to grass format and upload to my still store?   It takes a long time...45 minutes to ingest a large 1/3 fenced animation.

And what is the procedure for getting the upgraded clipstore? is it a software licensing upgrade (ie: the upgraded clipstore already in the rack?)



Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
Upgrading the Still Store requires not only hardware (upgraded memory chips) but also software. It's not something that they recommend you trying to do yourself. The standard GV Still Store Loader is admittedly painfully slow...I don't think you'll see it getting any faster. There are a couple of things that you can try: (1) Instead of using the Kalypso Still Store Loader, try using the Converter/Loader that comes with the Kayak software. It's a better & more flexible product in my opinion. (2) Don't load directly into the Kalypso. Version 13 allows for Still Store Servers - the original SS board is one of these servers, but ANY computer that's running the GV SS Server software can be used as your Still Store Storage. So what I do is to use the Kayak software to convert my TIFFs into useable GVI animations, but I do this on my laptop. If I need to, I can let this "cook" overnight at home. Then I connect the laptop to the Kalypso network & use it as the SS "memory". It will still take the usual time to cache the animations, but this is how I avoid the wait of converting the images.

Bob Ennis