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Travelling matte key

6 replies [Last post]
Toronto TD
User offline. Last seen 9 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Apr 2007

I'm trying to use a travelling matte key for an animation.

I have imported the TGA file and its a moving white matta through the screen. How can I incoporate this through the Frame clip.

I need to replace the white in this wipe with other video. I tried using a split key, but with no luck.

On top of all this I'm suppose to use another Frame clip wipe with the travelling matte. Is this possible without using another ME ??

If I was to marry these 2 clip files what is the best approach, Macro?


Hopefully this makes sense to someone.

Thank you

Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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So for agruement sake, you have a "white object (matte)" as an animation flying across the screen..and you want to fill that object with video, and this fill video is another frame memory animation?

One way to do it would be to recall the fill in one channel, the key in the other, ( let's say FM 1 and 2) and make a fill/key pair out of FM 1/2.  This way when you key FM1, it will cut the hole w/ 2.  Recall and play them both together, and you are good to go. 

I have all my FM's set up as fill/key pairs for the odds...( Fm1/2, FM 3/4 , FM 5/6, FM 7/8, all fill key, w/ the odd # being the fill, and the even being the key)..then the evens set up w/ white as the key. 


Hope this helps..


Toronto TD
User offline. Last seen 9 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Apr 2007

actually that is not exactly right.

I need to fill the travelling matte animation with a camera or VTR....

Then on top of that layer I need to key another animation. again even if someone could anser how to I fill the travelling matte animation with VTR viz?

Cheers everyone

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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To use any frame memory channel as a matte channel, you need to program that channel as a key channel. Most people map their main V/K Pair assignments with FM 1 as the fill, FM 2 as the key, FM 3 as fill, FM 4 as key, etc. But they often neglect to include the odd FM's (1,3,5,7) as potential keyer sources. I map FM 2 as the key for FM 1, but I then also map FM 1 as the hole-cutter for FM 2. The reason for doing this is because when you try to do a split key (which is what you are trying to accomplish with your question), you can only split to a source that has been mapped as a key source...otherwise it will not appear in your cross points as a potential split source. Once you have done this, the procedure to split your key is this: select your fill source (your VT or camera) on the keyer bus. Then either delegate this keyer (eg. M/E 2 Key 2) in the keyer panel & hold down the SPLIT button...your keyer row will show you your available hole-cut sources; while holding down the SPLIT button, select the source on the key bus that you want to be the hole-cutter (your FM playback channel). Alternatively, you can simple hold down the keyer delegation button in the keyer transition module & you will see your available keyer sources - keep holding down this button as you select your hole-cutter source (you can also use the SHIFT button to access all 64 buttons where it may be mapped). In either case, if you don't see the FM channel that you want, it means that it hasn't been mapped as a key source. Now, if your FM is playing back a black & white source it will be the hi-con for your selected fill source on that bus. By mapping ALL FM's into the key area (menu 7322.5), you can use any channel you want to be the hole-cutter, rather than being limited to even-numbered channels.

Bob Ennis

User offline. Last seen 4 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Bob

There is a way you can use a source on the video side of the switcher as a key in split mode.

If you want to use say FM 1 as a key in split mode then select FM 1 as a key then select self key as the mode and then change the mode to split key. This will leave FM1 as a key source leaving you the ability to change you fill as you like.


This is a trick I picked up last year.


Toronto TD
User offline. Last seen 9 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Apr 2007

Thank you Bob Ennis,

I love this forum, especially when stuff works with a little help.

Ok Now that I have my travelling matte key wiping in its source(vtr, cam).

I now have to layer another moving animation on top of this.

Looks like you can only choose to use one FM wipe at a time.

Do I need to use another ME..? Can you have 2 separate animation files running together through 2 keyers?

I will continue to play and see if I can do this.

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005

Yes, you can run other FM animations on top of this - use a different keyer for each layer & you can do this up to 4 times on each M/E.

The FM wipe that you chose will be driven by the AUTO Trans or lever arm, but you can still use snapshots or timelines to drive the other FM channels - you may want to consider building a macro that not only hits the M/E's AUTO TRANS button, but also runs the other FM channels.

Bob Ennis