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Kalypso 1 ME Question

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Mar 2006

1st Dual on a Kalypso 1ME toy switcher last Saturday. Had a clean show & thanks to Scott for great "How to" notes. Hats off to those of you that have been doing this for years!

Question using HDX16 Dual Side

Using the marco attach menu, I want to attach macros to various buttons in the transition quad of the switcher. If I wanted to attach to User 1 trans, it would attach to user 2. Wipe 1, attached to wipe 2. always a button off. 

Also, I couldn't attach anything to any transform quad. buttons (X, Y , Z ect). How do you?

Rest the pannel, same issue.



User offline. Last seen 7 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Mar 2006

Thank you both!

User offline. Last seen 14 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Oct 2010

To attach to the transform quad you have to record to the first twelve macros or macros 51 - 62 and physically replace attach them.  As far as everything not matching what it says in the menu you have to find the corresponding menu location and then drop down two.  I've noticed on 11hdx that opening the attach macro menu and then selecting the physical button won't highlight the matching position in the menu.


Paul Harvath

Paul Spitzer
User offline. Last seen 3 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005

"...find the corresponding menu location and then drop down two."

Thanks, Paul...I knew there was a secret "code" somewhere!

Paul Spitzer
User offline. Last seen 3 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005

It's because the attach menu does not accurately represent the 1 ME panel, only ME1 on a larger panel.  Grass acknowledged this a while back.  Something like: "Oh yeah, we know...".  You can still attach macros the physical way by recording macros to the macro (and shift) buttons.  I also remember a TD saying something that they figured out how many buttons "off" the menu was from the actual buttons, but can't remember more.  Don't expect this to get rectified.
