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Can Lance work in Clip Mode with CSMXc?

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007


I'm researching DDRs for our truck upgrade to HD, and I'm trying to determine between the CSMXc or the FFV Omega HD.

I like the features of the CSMXc, especially being able to import .mov files, but I need to know if the TDC-100 can display the Clip List from the CSMXc.

If not, I thought we might set up the truck to run it 2 different ways: if TD elements are brought in on tape, use the "one long rip" method and use the Lance to clip them off... if the elements are supplied as .mov files, then use direct PBus control from the switcher to access clips.





Douglas J
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Nov 2006

Hi Mongo,

The Abekas CSMXc will indeed work with the TDC-100 and will list the clips in the TDC panel. Just have to use the "Odetics" protocol on the RS422 serial port in the CSMXc that is connected to the TDC-100 (and *not* the "Sony BVW" protocol). To set this protocol in the CSMXc "NetPanel" GUI:

Click EDITOR button

Click PROTOCOL softkey

Click ODETICS softkey

That's it. The TDC-100 will then control the CSMXc with the ability to list the clip library of the CSMXc in the TDC display.

-Douglas J.

Douglas Johnson
Chief Product Manager, Abekas