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How would you Do this?

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bwatts's picture
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Last week I had to build an effect that basically loop a video off the DDR we have on the MVS-8000.  I built a timeline that put a logo on program, recalled/rolled video, dissolved to video, and after video was finished, dissolved back to logo.

The hope was that if I looped the effect, ran it in normal mode, I would create an infinite loop... however this wasn't the case.  The program part of the timeline worked, but the video didn't recue and play.

Eventually made a macro that recalled the timeline, rewound itself, ran then held for 1 min (the length of the video).

Then made a second macro that recalled the first macro 20 times to create my loop.

What is a different way of doing this?  It was for a webinar we did, and needed to roll a commercial for 15minutes before the actual start of the webinar.



Brian Watts

Curt's picture
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Could do what you did, record it to your DDR, and loop that clip freeing up the switcher.  Depending on the DDR, you may be able to loop it right on the device itself, and/or create a playlist and add it in a bunch of times.

You didn't say what type of DDR, but if it is an EVS, it will support looping via VDCP..just use a macro to recall and loop.

Are you recalling using Rewind Action...or do you have the recall on the device timeline itself on the first KF?

If on the rew action, that I think is why it isn't working.  If it is on the timeline itself, try putting a dummy KF in and make your recall on KF2....and/or give the timeline enough time for your DDR to cue and play.  

I seem to recall when you loop something it might blow by the first KF on the loop...although I think this might have been on the GVG 4000.  







bwatts's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks Curt

The DDR is a Doremi V1, single in, single out, so I couldn't record on it while playing from the device.  I think it has a looping function, but wanted it to be all from the switcher, since the deck is in an opposite room, plus I could go to logo while it recued (in case it showed a frame while rewinding).  I'll double check that blowing by the first keyframe, but my goal was to not use a macro at all. 

Any other ideas on this are greatly appreciated... I'm slowly learning the timeline/macros, and have even gotten myself into trouble using them (overthinking the show).


Brian Watts

Curt's picture
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I was more thinking of recording it beforehand, then looping it.  I have used the Doremi's before...and they do loop from their panel if you want to go down that road.  Not sure if all do, but it can be done.

Assume you are doing the following ( assuming you aren't using Rewind action, and switcher set to recall and execute KF 1 when effect is recalled..) For ease of explanation, assuming there is one KF on your PGM and DEV level at each "KF" even if one isn't doing something.  ( ex if DEV 1 is playing , PGM is doing nothing)  When you build, you can take out what isn't needed.  Just made it easier to explain. 

KF 1 Recue Clip, Put FM LOGO on PGM/ME Bus

DURATION BETWEEN KF 1 and KF 2 is equal to the amount of time you want to have FM LOGO on bus minus the durations in the next few KF's if you need to be frame accurate.

KF 2 Play clip at appropriate time ( after the logo still has been up for the time you want it to be) ( Does nothing on PGM/ME Bus)

Duration BETWEEN KF 2 and KF3 is the time it takes for your Doremi to play...should be pretty much instant..so maybe only a few frames if needed at all "may" even be able to combine KF 2 and 3...but might be safer to keep them separate. 

KF 3 Dissolve to Dev1 on PGM/ME Bus, no other Device action on this KF

DURATION BETWEEN KF 3 and KF 4 is the length of your animation, minus the dissolve trans rate so you get off before it stops

KF 4 Dissolve back to FM LOGO on PGM/M/E Bus, nothing on Device 1

Is this what you are doing above and then  you have a loop?  Thinking it might be blowing right by your recall in the beginning


You could either add a dummy KF as KF 1 in the begging of the Device timeline...or add a KF 5 like below to cue it at the end.  This way it is cued before the loop and if it blows by the first, it shouldn't matter, you are already cued.


DURATION  between KF 4 and KF 5 equal to the trans rate, plus I usually add a few frames in this type of thing just for good measure

KF 5 Recue/Recall Clip again ( after your PGM/M/E timeline dissolved to a still to clear DEV 1) PGM/ME does nothing here

Loop Timeline. 


Not in front of the switcher, so I can't play around...But I know looping sometimes can get a little odd.  PLay around w/ a dummy KF, and/or adding some duration if things are happening too quickly. 





hosko's picture
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KF1 KF2 KF3/4 KF5/6

Logo keyed Logo keyed transition to clip transition to


Recall Clip Play clip


If that doesn't work insert a 7th KF which recalls the clip

Personally I love timeline macros I use them all the time, I like getting everything done as easily as possible and as all our clip transitions are built as macros its nice not having to rebuild them in timelines.