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DVS-9000 multi program and tally

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2005


We have Me 1 in a multi program mode. We feed utility2 and key 4 from aux out and loop it back to primary input.

In utility2 we change cameras using macros. There's over the shoulder graphics with key 4.

When we cut looped input from PP-bank out, the tally of the right camera does not light.

We have Tallyman external tallybox.

Is there some way, we could get selection from utility 2 of Me 1 to show in tally when we cut that looped input on air ?


Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005


I tried playing around w/ this tonight. Realized you didn't need the loopback. I used M/E 3 instead of M/E 1

1-Put M/E 3 into MP mode

2-Assign PGM 3 to M/E 3 Output 4 (7331.1)

3-Map M/E 3 Output 4 to a button

4- Define M/E 3 Output for PGM 3 to be UTIL 2 as "BKGD" and M/E 3 Key 4 as enabled.   Disable all other keys in M/E 3 PGM 3  (7331.2)

5- Define M/E 3 Output for PGM 1 to not have M/E 3 Key 4, unless you are mutipurposing this key for something else.  This will take it out of your main M/E 3 "button", unless you have mapped something else to it.

6- Take M/E 3 Output 4 to air, and Util 2 source, as well as Key 4 source for M/E 3 will tally.

I am on an MVS 8000G w/ 8.10.2 but I would assume this would work for your setup...

One pitfall..If you don't have the option to "Recall M/E  Config" in menu 7331, you are stuck w/ leaving M/E 3 in my example, as MP, and also not have M/E 3 kEy 4 in M/E 3.  Not a big deal if you leave the M/E in this mode all the time, but if you need M/E 3 key 4 for other reasons in this M/E on the main output, you won't have it. ( unless you build something to put it back on like a Menu Macro)

 If you have this option to recall M/E  Config, and you have it enabled, then your snapshot/effect to set this up will put you in MP mode, and should define your keys for you etc.


Pretty cool..learned something new tonight!

Hope this helps




User offline. Last seen 11 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2005

Thanks Curt, I can confirm that it works with 9000 also.

Inspired of this I also put pp bank to MP and changed
Switchers program output (out1) to PP program 3,
where I enabled keys 1-4.
In the PP program 1 I enabled key 1-3.

That was the only way to disable key 4 from the prw output.

Or is it ?

I didn't want to see key 4 in prw monitor, because it's
like dsk with gpi remote near TG operator.


Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005

Sorry for the delay..

The only way I know how to get something out of PVW is to  change PGM 1 like you did. 


One thing to be careful of...if somehow PP gets put back in Standard mode...your output 3 will default to clean I believe....not a huge deal since the pgm video  would still be there.  

Only mention it if you are in a shop w/ many TD's...might be something to post near the switcher.  If you have the ability to recall M/E modes using an effect/snap, could be an issue if someone loads an old snap..etc...etc..

Also in MP you will notice your keyer wipes are no limited...not a huge deal...but something to be aware of.


lastly....you will also notice that if you go "with" a key that is full white on the key signal...and do a dissolve "with" this key..you will see your pgm video bleed through also...like density on the keyer is being ramped as well.  A little hard to explain...but try  this..

Set Key 1 ( or 2, or 3..) to have a source on it that is full white key...such as a SS that would be a monitor gfx or something like that.  On PGM bus, put color bars...on your pst bus...put a camera..or some video source.  Set your trans module to be background and key 1.  Dissolve..and you will see the color bars bleed through.  Go back to standard mode, and this doesn't happen. 

Just something to be aware of...



User offline. Last seen 11 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2005

I had to revert back to standard mode because of the problem with the white key showing trough during transition.  Too bad. It was so close.
