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Sony 8000g & Summit server help

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Jan 2010

I will be working on a Sony 8000g soon and unfortunately I dont' have alot of experience on one.  I'm being told there will be a GV HD Summit server.  My question is how would I go about fueling the Summit and creating clips?  I don't know if the Summit will be controlled via Pbus or through the switcher direct.  The animations are coming from tape (HDCAM).  I appreciate any advice you can offer. Thx

hosko's picture
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As your going to be sourcing your material from tape the single file solution is going to be best. We had a Summit in for testing before and there big selling point is the ability to be able to play back multiple formats. Something that an XT running Spotbox can't do. So if you had the elements as files they would probably be in a format that the Summit could handle.

Personally I prefer working with VDCP and having each element as a different file. It makes it a lot faster to build effects where the move is the same but the logos change. ie sports where you have different teams. Then use disk file load to cue the clip. I really hate having to work with timecode because its a pain to have to enter. The VDCP load screen means you just click on the clip you want and hit load which brings down the chance of an error.

Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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The Summit can be controlled directly from the 8K via VDCP or BVW (called VTR in sony menus).

Is this a one day setup and build?   If so the easiest way may be to just dump everything into one clip and just cue via timecode and run it in BVW mode.  Making clips will take a lot more time and knowledge of the Summit.  If they had the animations on a stick or hard drive they could import them as clips.

There are some operational manuals on GVG site for the Summit, it is pretty easy to use, but again if it is a one day thing keep it simple.

You will need to know how to build macros or device timelines to recall the timecode or clips on the 8K.   Not sure how much you know about this.  If you have specific questions please reply


User offline. Last seen 10 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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Bill- It is a one day setup so I will use BVW like you advised.  I'm going to use a maco to make the timeline.  Regarding that, when you get to the event to load the clip, would you select "cue" as your command-and then enter the timecode?  Would I need to add two "cues", one for the fill device and one for the key device ?  (I'm used to VDCP where you would select "diskfileLoad").  Also, when the clip is done playing - do you normaly put in a "stop" command or would add a "cue" and enter the timecode out.  Thanks.

Bill D
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Sounds like you will get one tape with all elements on it, fill and key.  If for some reason you get them on two tapes that you can play into the K2 synced then you can gang those channels internal to the K2.  Let me know and I can explain that in more detail.

Otherwise you will have everything on one long clip, you will not have to do a diskfile load.  Just do a cue to timecode.  You will have to enter the timecode.  In the offline macro menu when you hit append after the first cue (cue, device 1, 00:00:02:05), hit continue, then device 2, and timecode. 

This will be tedious if you have a lot of effects.  I run macros like this,  I  have founs the easiest thing to do is make a list of your effects after you record the clip, and write down timecode for each channel.  Then go and build your macros

You could probably get away with a macro that cues and plays in the same macro with maybe a 7 frame delay between cueing and playing.  Then you don't have to worry about having a play macro or using take button for the macro.   Just test this that the f/k stay together with that delay.

Once you get to the play command in the macro, make sure you use the continue function between the two device plays, otherwise they will be out of sync a frame.  Continue fires off the commands together.

At the end, I would just do a stop for each device.  If your macro always cues to start then doesn't matter how it ends.

You can also do a device timeline and mark in and out points on the 8K panel, kind of like on a lance.   This may be quicker, then typing in timecode twice for each macro.   Especially if you have a lot of effects.

Hope that helps


User offline. Last seen 10 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Jan 2010

 That is extremely helpful information.  I appreciate it very much! Thank you Bill!

User offline. Last seen 10 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Jan 2010

Thanks Bill, your info is extremely helpful.  I'm going to check out the Summit manual. 

I may have more questions, thanks again.