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Spot Box-Lance Question

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Jan 2006

I am justing starting to use the spot box with 4 channels.  I am getting everything to work but I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to get the channels not to recall on all four channels when I do a emem recall.  I have the switcher configured as follows.  On misc 6 I have pbus 1 and 2 assigned on misc 7 I have 3 and 4 assigned.  In the pbus engineering set up I have lance control #1 assigned to pbus port #1 address 1, #2 assigned to pbus port 1 adress #2 and so forth.  In the lance I have channels 1 and 2 set to #1 and 3 and 4 set to #3.  If I send a play command or stop it goes to the right channel.  When I hit a emem no matter what misc I have assigned it recalls that register on all four channels.  I know this is something simple i am missing.  Does anyone have the answer.

Thanks for the help.

JJ Szokody
User offline. Last seen 13 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Oct 2010

Did you clear the lance before marking your clips?


Try this.... ON THE LANCE.... recall a register.  

Hold the device buttons that you want recalled, while holding... press 'SET'.  The display should say Channel A-B enabled. (or something like that).


If that doesn't work, delete your in and outs on the devices that you don't want recalled.  For example.  Replay is reg 1....using devices A and B.  Recall reg 1..... Select device C, hold 'mark in' and press 'clear'.  Do the same for the out.  Then again for device D.  


If these things dont fix the issue, you've most likely got something funky setup in the switcher menu.