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Does a 7350 have a crosspoint hold function

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 May 2008

I want to build a timeline effect to execute a cut on an M/E row but I don't want to save the crosspoints to the effect.  I can't see how it is possible.  XPT Disable in the Keyframe Run menu merely stops the cut from happening.  Any tips?

Kevin Hinkle
User offline. Last seen 13 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Sep 2005

Hello, I work on a 7350.  The XPT disable in the keyframe menu should get you what you want.  Go to the Key frame menu, choose "SWER PATH" (F9), choose the level you want (ex: F4 for ME3), activate "XPT DSBL" (F8).  Make sure and modify all of your keyframes to have XPT disable turned on.

From what I can tell the XPT disable in the run menu is not keyframable.  It works more like a dedicated button on other switcher panels that you could activate before recalling the effect.  The XPT disable button on the actual panel in each me is only for snapshot recalls, not effects.  (although you could probably use it for dme wipes)

I have several animation under cut effects that use XPT disable and it works well.  Let me know if you need any more info.


User offline. Last seen 13 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 May 2008


Thanks Kevin.  I did as you suggested but to no avail - the result was identical to when I turned XPT DISABLE "on" in the run menu.  Both times the switcher simply didn't cut.  Just to be clear, when I build the timeline and I get to the "cut" keyframe, I'm simply executing a cut on the ME row so the PGM and PVW sources change, then saving the change as a keyframe.  I'd love more advice if you have it!

Kevin Hinkle
User offline. Last seen 13 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Sep 2005

Not quite sure why it's not working.  A couple of thoughts:

1.  Make sure the keyframe duration for the "cut" is 1 frame long not zero.

2.  Try building a very basic timeline as a test:

-Open a new effect and highlight ME3.

-Choose two different sources on A & B and select BKGD and MIX in ME3's transition area.

-Insert a keyframe for ME3

-Hit Cut in ME3

-Insert a second keyframe for ME3

-Now rewind and run your effect.  You should see a 1 second dissovle between the two sources.

-Now turn on XPT disable for both keyframes as described above and test.

You should now be able to select any source on the b bus and run the effect and have it dissolve to A.  If this works, you should be fine.  Now you would just have to adjust the timing.

Let me know if this helps.  If not maybe give me a step-by-step of your effect and I'll try to recreate it.


Matt Saplin
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Joined: 29 Oct 2005

RE: Does a 7350 have a crosspoint hold function

It's been a while since I've been on a 7000, but I thought I'd give it a try.  Is there any difference in applying the 'XPT Disable' in the 'Run Mode' menu versus the 'SWR KF Path' menu?


Another thought ... if it isn't doing the cut for you, are you wired to make the cut happen via a GPI loopback?  Thinking that you can build your timeline with 'XPT Disable' turned-on to hold your crosspoints, but allowing the GPI level of the effect to hit the cut button for you.
