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Kahuna questions

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Carl Johansson
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005

I'm soon on my first gig with a Kahuna and have been glancing the maual a bit.

Seems real powerful to me.


I have some quick questions that maybe Ken can answer?

Is there some form of "auto recall" on the GMEM? Or do you do a macro that recalls the correct levels?

Is the Resizer part of the keyer level for DMEM/GMEM operations or is it a separate level?

When you learn a GMEM/DMEM do you always have to firtst punch in the project number and then the memory number? Or can you get it to default to the current project?


If I'm going to do a clip tranisiton timeline. Is the correct way to learn a GMEM with the the right  clips at the right timecodes at the right store and continue with my timeline? Or are there any QMEMs or similiair. 

Also is there some sort of "PLAY" command available for the stores in the timelineeditor or do you insert a macro?








Carl Johansson
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005

Just another quick question. Which is the fastest way to put the DVE channels to default - "or clear all"?

Carl Johansson
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005

Thanks for your answers!

Is there a menu emulator available for download? Would be nice to play around with the menus at home.

User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

Sorry but there is no emulator available. It has been requested many times so I am hoping we will see one in the future but there is no way of knowing for sure.


-= Ken =-

User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

Hi Carl,

When I save my DMEM or GMEM I turn off any enables or sub-enables that I don't need. I get to the sub-enables by double-popping the Snapshot or Timeline button (depending on what I'm building) at the end of the M/E. If I need to recall the effect differently from what I saved, then I can use the "Hold Inputs" or "Overide Enables" buttons to recall the parts of the memory that I need.

The Resize Engine is just another key parameter so it lives on the keyer level. You will see it in the sub-enables for each keyer.

If your current project is set to the main project you are working in, then you can skip punching in the project number and the dot when saving or recalling DMEMs or GMEMs. Just start with the effect number and go from there.

How you build your clip transitions depends on whether you have your transitions in the internal Kahuna Stores or on an external server. It's much easier if the clips are internal because you don't need to build a timeline. The last section of the User Manual explains how to build an animated transition using a Store (section 33, page F13). Right after that it explains how to build a macro to recall a DMEM. I save my clip transitions as different DMEMs and then make a different macro to recall each DMEM and attach each of the macros to a User Function button. That way I have a page of transitions that I run with a single button press. This means I also build into the macro pressing the Auto Trans button (after a 5-frame delay to give the DMEM time to load) and resetting the M/E to a 12-frame mix after the transition has completed.


-= Ken =-


Carl Johansson
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005

Just another quick question. Which is the fastest way to put the DVE channels to default - "or clear all"?


User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

I usually build a 3D DVE snapshot that's full-screen center with a 1-tile model and save it at 0.0.  If you haven't done that yet the the easiest way is to double-pop the UP button, go to Defaults and select the DVE for a factory default. That will also reset your DVE Surfaces to factory default too.


-= Ken =-