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European Kayenne XL bugs

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Carl Johansson
User offline. Last seen 11 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Aug 2005

I encountered some bugs when using the 704.16 software....

It doesn't remember the crosspoint on key 1 for any of the M/Es when making an EMEM.
No hold or define EMEMs where set to hold the crosspoint.... When using Master EMEM everything is OK.
This needs to be fixed ASAP , GVG! :-)

Sometimes when modifying a keyframe containing RAMREC data it doesn't change all settings.
You need to delete the keyframe and insert a new one.

When manually making a macro on the panel using P-BUS commands sometimes the switcher won't store them. It works if you create the macro with the macro editor.


Jochen Huegel
User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2005

Hi Carl,

Sorry for the delay, I haven't logged in for a long time ...

1) Can you check the DPM "Use Source" setting in the "Key - Priority" menu? If this is "Use Src" is on the DPM will recall the Key source an override then the stting from the keyframe. The DPM effect will be recalled also by the E-mem Keyframe.

2) If you use the define meno for the Ramrecorder, do not deselect first all with the "global" switch. delesec only the Ram Rec's that you don't want to use. The issue is that there are some "global" setting that will not the recorded if you deselect  first all. 

3) I tried it with a DNF controller that is connected to a digi-card. It it worked good. So no idea that is the problem here.

I hope it will help you.

Best regards, and again sorry for the delay.
