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Switcher Manuals, Documents, Effects, Utilities, etc...

3 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005

With the Sony ftp site down for good I have created a https share that everyone can access and down load my switcher related documents that I have collected and created over the years.

Things you can find on my share:   UPDATES

  • Sony Switcher Effects
  • Sony Tips and 'How To' for CCP & ICP panels
  • Sony Manuals, Utilities and Documents
  • Vista Spyder Manuals and Documents
  • DNF Manuals and Documents
  • DEVous Manuals and Documents
  • Evertz Manuals and Documents
  • GVG Manuals and Documents
  • Lance Box Manuals and Documents
  • Router Documents
  • Intercom Documents

If you would like to add some thing to the share please send me a email.

Some guidelines to follow.
No duplicates please. Set-up notes, tips and “How To” would be great additions.
Any submitted effects need to include a NOTES breakdown of what and how the effect  is setup and can be used. A guide book of sorts. You will find a template you can use in the effects directory.

How to access my share;
When you enter in the url you will get a pop-up or a warning for a un-secure web page or This Connection is Untrusted. Click on the I understand the risks tab to proceed. Add exception and accept. You will eventually end up at the Switcher-Documents share.


Every so often this link may change do to the nature of how it is created.

Please let me know if the link is down.

User offline. Last seen 1 year 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Oct 2010

Dear TDmike, 

Your link couldn't be reached, may you check, please.


Silvio Bacchetta
Silvio Bacchetta's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2007

Thanks a lot, I was looking for Evertz manuals, too.

hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2008

Thanks so much,

If you need any sony documentation I have a log in, I was just looking for a MVP manual yesterday