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Kayenne touch screen crash question

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Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

The other day the touch screen on the Kayenne crashed. The screen froze on the last menu page I was working on. Luckily the game was over, just feeding things to the studio. 

is there a way to reboot the touch screen computer without rebooting the switcher? 

User offline. Last seen 28 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Aug 2005

I know I have had it done for me before.  It can't be done from the from the touch screen, like the Kalypso, but from the power supply for the touch screen.  It’s a 1 rack unit power supply that usually sits on top of the switcher main frame. 

User offline. Last seen 2 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005

Be careful - the power unit at the top of the procesing frame is not the one for the Menu computer as it holds the 3 PSUS which run the frame. The Panel Control Unit - a 3 RU pack which sits within 15 metres/45 feet of the panel is the one which runs the Panel Real time control and the Menu computers. The easy way to reset a Menu is to open the door of the PCU and at the right-hand side find the small black reset button. It is possible to reset only the Menu computer using this while the panel and main processor frame remain active and operational. There are separate reset buttons for the Frame, the Image Store, the Panel and the Menu in the PCU and Frame which do not require any power cycle operations. There are also software resets for the Image Store, the Frame and the Panel which you can make without using the buttons via the installer program.

As always, if in doubt call the local service team,
