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Need one hour of training for Kayenne

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User offline. Last seen 8 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Mar 2010

Fellow colleagues;

I got a job coming up in April using a Kayenne switcher. I need to build open, bumps and wipes using a Lance. I'm here in L.A. and looking to hire comeone who can train me for an hour either before or aftetr their shift. I don't have access to a Kayenne.

Thank you


User offline. Last seen 8 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Mar 2012

Hi Amir,

If I was west coast based I would help you out. Which switchers are you familiar with? If you're comfortable on the Kalypso you should be able to sit down on the Kayenne. The basics are the very much the same, it's just the layout and GUI that takes a little getting used to. You should be able to download a manual from Grass' website and get familiar from the screenshots which is what I did for my first show a couple of years ago.

A couple of things that'll help you out:

  • The Kayenne's GUI is, in my opinion, much more friendly than the Kalypso. Main menu buttons are along the bottom of the GUI. Once a main menu is selected, sub menus appear as a row of tabs just above the main menu selections.
  • The Kalypso's "Daily Setups" menu has been split in two on the Kayenne, User Setup & Panel Prefs. User Setup has your Source Patch sub menu. Panel Prefs has your button mapping sub menu.
  • Access to the PBUS menu is found under the DEVICES main menu button, PBUS tab and functions the same as a Kalypso.
  • DoubleTake works the same as a Kalypso with the following exceptions: First, unlike the Kalypso, a single keyer can be assigned to both sides of an ME in Split mode. Second, the feeds in Split and Split Keyed mode have changed. In the Kalypso "A" and "B" were the primaries keyed by "C" and "D" respectively. With the Kayenne "A" and "C" feeds are now primaries, keyed by "B" and "D".

User offline. Last seen 8 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Mar 2010

Thank you so much. Yes I am familir with Kalypso so hopefully it won't be all that foreign to me. I think that I'll be using a Lance along with K2 for replay wipe effects. Thank god I have a set day so I can figure things out. If I get into a bind, can I contact you?



User offline. Last seen 8 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Mar 2012

Hi Amir,

Of course. I'll PM you with some specifics.

You may want to rethink the use of the K2 and offload any long loopable stuff (boxes, set graphics, backgrounds) to the K2 from the Spotbox. You'll find the K2 extremely slow in recall, especially if you're of the discipline of auto-running your wipes.